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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aberrant common and internal carotid arteries and their surgical implications: a case report Bernardes, Marina Nahas Dafico

87 3 p. 366-369
2 A rare case of endolymphatic sac hemangioma in a patient alleged to have Ménière’s disease Longoni, Valentina

87 3 p. 370-373
3 Automated analysis of bone-conduction cortical auditory evoked potential in normal-hearing neonates Brito, Daniela Soares de

87 3 p. 290-297
4 Can the unnecessary operations for suspected thyroid nodules be avoided by the combined use of the strain ratio and elastography score? Görgülü, Orhan

87 3 p. 338-345
5 Cochlear implant and tinnitus–a meta-analysis Borges, Alda Linhares de Freitas

87 3 p. 353-365
6 Cochlear implants in a low-income country: Brazilian public health system (SUS) - a longitudinal analysis since the beginning Daher, Carla Valença

87 3 p. 245-246
7 COVID-19 and children returning to school Mungmunpuntipantip, Rujittika

87 3 p. 374
8 Effect of topical corticosteroids on nasal patency after acute positive airway pressure exposure Balsalobre, Leonardo

87 3 p. 326-332
9 Effects of maxillary expansion on hearing and voice function in non-cleft lip palate and cleft lip palate patients with transverse maxillary deficiency: a multicentric randomized controlled trial Singh, Harpreet

87 3 p. 315-325
10 Eustachian tube dysfunction in sleep apnea patients and improvements afforded by continuous positive airway pressure therapy Cayir, Serkan

87 3 p. 333-337
11 Human papillomavirus infection and oral squamous cell carcinoma - a systematic review Melo, Bernardo Augusto de Carvalho

87 3 p. 346-352
12 Impact of auditory feedback alterations in individuals with stuttering Fiorin, Michele

87 3 p. 247-254
13 Interferon-α action in cytokine profile in eosinophilic nasal polyp cultures Sousa, Júlio Cláudio

87 3 p. 260-268
14 Prevalence of middle ear disease in Chilean natives and the impact of development over 14 years Tapia, Mario

87 3 p. 283-289
15 Prospective evaluation of clarithromycin in recurrent chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps Bezerra, Thiago Freire Pinto

87 3 p. 298-304
16 Rapid hemostasis: a novel and effective outpatient procedure using microwave ablation to control epistaxis of isolated mucosal bulge lesions Lou, Zheng Cai

87 3 p. 269-273
17 Rates of success in hearing and grafting in the perichondrium-preserved palisade island graft technique Genç, Selahattin

87 3 p. 305-309
18 Regenerative potential of basic fibroblast growth factor contained in biodegradable gelatin hydrogel microspheres applied following vocal fold injury: Early effect on tissue repair in a rabbit model Imaizumi, Mitsuyoshi

87 3 p. 274-282
19 The effects of intraday operation time on pain and anxiety of patients undergoing septoplasty Kayabasi, Serkan

87 3 p. 310-314
20 The efficacy of esmolol, remifentanil and nitroglycerin in controlled hypotension for functional endoscopic sinus surgery Alkan, Aslı

87 3 p. 255-259
21 The laryngectomee guide for COVID-19 is now available in Portuguese Brook, Itzhak

87 3 p. 375
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland