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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acute postoperative sepsis mimicking symptomology suspicious for malignant hyperthermia: case report Ramanujam, Vendhan

69 6 p. 622-625
2 Association between peripheral perfusion, microcirculation and mortality in sepsis: a systematic review Santos, Danillo Menezes dos

69 6 p. 605-621
3 Awake nasal fibre optic intubation — a simple manoeuvre for easy navigation of the fiberscope through the nasopharynx Rewari, Vimi

69 6 p. 640-641
4 Calcitonin as an analgesic agent: review of mechanisms of action and clinical applications Yazdani, Javad

69 6 p. 594-604
5 Comparison of pressure-controlled volume-guaranteed ventilation and volume-controlled ventilation in obese patients during gynecologic laparoscopic surgery in the Trendelenburg position Toker, Melike Korkmaz

69 6 p. 553-560
6 Comparison of volume-controlled and pressure-controlled ventilation on respiratory mechanics in laparoscopic bariatric surgery: randomized clinical trial Ozyurt, Erhan

69 6 p. 546-552
7 Efficacy of ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block for analgesia after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a randomized controlled trial† Altiparmak, Başak

69 6 p. 561-568
8 Hemidiaphragmatic paralysis after ultrasound-guided supraclavicular block: a prospective cohort study Ferré, Fabrice

69 6 p. 580-586
9 High frequency jet ventilator ‒ a new approach in the management of anesthesia for pediatric cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging: case series Rodrigues, João Tiago

69 6 p. 626-630
10 Intermittent loss of consciousness during cesarean section under spinal anesthesia: a case report Kayaalti, Selda

69 6 p. 631-634
11 Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase deficiency and anesthesia: importance of a detailed preoperative evaluation Santos, Christiano dos Santos e

69 6 p. 637-638
12 Perioperative complications and mortality in elderly patients following surgery for femoral fracture: prospective observational study Barbosa, Talita de Almeida

69 6 p. 569-579
13 Peripheral nerve block and rebound pain: literature review Nobre, Layana Vieira

69 6 p. 587-593
14 Superior gluteal nerve block: a cadaveric study to evaluate the optimal injection site Ohgoshi, Yuichi

69 6 p. 639-640
15 The effects of remifentanil used during cesarean section on oxidative stress markers in correlation with maternal hemodynamics and neonatal outcome: a randomized controlled trial Kutlesic, Marija S.

69 6 p. 537-545
16 The role of quadratus lumborum block in the hemodynamic management during hepatic resection surgery Almeida, Carlos Rodrigues

69 6 p. 635-637
17 The use of analgesics and risk of self-medication in an urban population sample: cross-sectional study Barros, Guilherme Antonio Moreira de

69 6 p. 529-536
18 Three blocks including Pericapsular Nerve Block (PENG) for a femoral shaft fracture pain Koyuncu, Onur

69 6 p. 638-639
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland