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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adrenal crises in older patients Rushworth, Ruth L

8 7 p. 628-639
2 Bariatric and metabolic surgery during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: DSS recommendations for management of surgical candidates and postoperative patients and prioritisation of access to surgery Rubino, Francesco

8 7 p. 640-648
3 Causes, consequences, and treatment of metabolically unhealthy fat distribution Stefan, Norbert

8 7 p. 616-627
4 Disease characteristics of MCT8 deficiency: an international, retrospective, multicentre cohort study Groeneweg, Stefan

8 7 p. 594-605
5 Effects of the SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin on proteinuria in non-diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease (DIAMOND): a randomised, double-blind, crossover trial Cherney, David Z I

8 7 p. 582-593
6 Gestational diabetes and fetal overgrowth: time to rethink screening guidelines Chiefari, Eusebio

8 7 p. 561-562
7 Guy T'Sjoen: collaborating to improve transgender wellbeing Mitchell, Fiona

8 7 p. 568
8 Health care and mental health challenges for transgender individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic Wang, Yuanyuan

8 7 p. 564-565
9 How diabetes management is adapting amid the COVID-19 pandemic Ranscombe, Peter

8 7 p. 571
10 Is maternal obesity a risk factor for rare childhood cardiovascular diseases? Gaillard, Romy

8 7 p. 552-553
11 Lose the weight in your head Stirrups, Robert

8 7 p. 569
12 Maternal obesity and risk of cardiovascular diseases in offspring: a population-based cohort and sibling-controlled study Razaz, Neda

8 7 p. 572-581
13 Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY): a time to act Al-Kandari, Hessa

8 7 p. 565-566
14 MCT8 deficiency: collaborative rare disease phenotyping for care and research Wassner, Ari J

8 7 p. 555-557
15 Oh sugar! How diabetes campaigns can be damaging to the cause they aim to serve Speight, Jane

8 7 p. 566-567
16 Patient data from routinely collected medical records complement evidence from SGLT2 inhibitor outcome trials Gerstein, Hertzel C

8 7 p. 557-558
17 Prevalence of obesity among adult inpatients with COVID-19 in France Caussy, Cyrielle

8 7 p. 562-564
18 Reductions in albuminuria with SGLT2 inhibitors: a marker for improved renal outcomes in patients without diabetes? Sternlicht, Hillel K

8 7 p. 553-555
19 Relating to transgender issues Stirrups, Robert

8 7 p. 569
20 Risk of cardiovascular events and death associated with initiation of SGLT2 inhibitors compared with DPP-4 inhibitors: an analysis from the CVD-REAL 2 multinational cohort study Kohsaka, Shun

8 7 p. 606-615
21 Technology in the COVID-19 era: pushing the boundaries The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology,

8 7 p. 551
22 Vitamin-D and COVID-19: do deficient risk a poorer outcome? Mitchell, Fiona

8 7 p. 570
23 Walking the path together: incorporating Indigenous knowledge in diabetes research Maple-Brown, Louise J

8 7 p. 559-560
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland