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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Budget projections and clinical impact of an immuno-oncology class of treatments: Experience in four EU markets Rachev, Boris

28 C p.
2 Cancer genetic testing in marginalized groups during an era of evolving healthcare reform Modell, Stephen M.

28 C p.
3 Cultivating a communities of practice for colorectal cancer screening in northern Canada Smith, H.A.

28 C p.
4 Cultural, social, and healthcare access factors associated with delays in gastric cancer presentation, diagnosis, and treatment: A cross-sectional study Filho, Mauro Francisco Brito

28 C p.
5 Eliminating HPV-caused cancers in Europe: Achieving the possible Baker, Peter

28 C p.
6 Expanding best practices for implementing evidence-based cancer control strategies in Africa: The 2019–2020 Africa Cancer Research and Control ECHO Program Nakaganda, Annet

28 C p.
7 Factors associated with low-dose CT lung cancer screening participation in a high burden state: Results from the 2017-2018 BRFSS Sedani, Ami E.

28 C p.
8 Industry payments to US physicians for cancer therapeutics: An analysis of the 2016–2018 open payments datasets Meyers, Daniel E.

28 C p.
9 The European Code of Cancer Practice Lawler, Mark

28 C p.
10 The financial impact of a terminal cancer on patient′s families in Colombia – A survey study de Vries, Esther

28 C p.
11 The global landscape of availability, accessibility and affordability of essential diagnostics and therapeutics for the management of HER2-positive breast cancer: The ONCOLLEGE-001 survey Trapani, D.

28 C p.
12 The global landscape of drug development of trastuzumab biosimilars Trapani, Dario

28 C p.
13 The pink elephant in the room: Declining public interest in breast cancer and the impact of marketing efforts Greiner, Benjamin

28 C p.
14 We need to do better: Readability analysis of online patient information on cancer survivorship and fertility preservation Alejos, David

28 C p.
15 Zambia cervical cancer control program resource mapping – Leveraging support to achieve the 90-70-90 elimination target Lombe, Dorothy

28 C p.
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland