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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Frailty Ruiz-Cantero, A.

223 2 p. 98-99
2 Letter on the article “Assessment of clinical and haemodynamic congestion as predictors of mortality in elderly outpatients with heart failure” Gil-Rodrigo, A.

223 2 p. 120-122
3 Nonvalvular atrial fibrillation and retinal vein occlusion: The Valdecilla Cohort González Bores, P.

223 2 p. 77-83
4 Prevalence and factors associated with frailty in older hospitalized patients Yüceler Kaçmaz, Hatice

223 2 p. 67-76
5 Prognostic value of early reassessment of reduced ejection fraction in acute heart failure Salvador-Casabón, J.M.

223 2 p. 90-95
6 Response to the letter regarding the article “Assessment of clinical and haemodynamic congestion as predictors of mortality in elderly outpatients with heart failure” Gil-Martínez, P.

223 2 p. 122-123
7 Retinal vein occlusion, a great unknown and a challenge in venous thromboembolic disease Guirado-Torrecillas, L.

223 2 p. 96-97
8 Retinal vein occlusion. Audit of a specialized care program Rueda-Camino, J.A.

223 2 p. 84-89
9 Teaching about chronicity in medical schools — A review of the current situation Novo-Veleiro, I.

223 2 p. 100-113
10 Vitamin B12: For more than just the treatment of megaloblastic anemia? Pardo-Cabello, A.J.

223 2 p. 114-119
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland