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                             35 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Achieving sensible targets for a diabetes care cascade in LMICs Chamnan, Parinya

9 11 p. e1481-e1482
2 A global call for talaromycosis to be recognised as a neglected tropical disease Narayanasamy, Shanti

9 11 p. e1618-e1622
3 Arresting vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus (AVERT-HBV) in pregnant women and their neonates in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a feasibility study Thompson, Peyton

9 11 p. e1600-e1609
4 Availability of essential diagnostics in ten low-income and middle-income countries: results from national health facility surveys Yadav, Harika

9 11 p. e1553-e1560
5 Azithromycin for the prevention of rehospitalisation and death among Kenyan children being discharged from hospital: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised controlled trial Pavlinac, Patricia B

9 11 p. e1569-e1578
6 Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity, and protect health Atwoli, Lukoye

9 11 p. e1493-e1495
7 Challenges in estimating the burden of neurological disorders across Indian states Dhamija, Rajinder K

9 11 p. e1503
8 Challenges in estimating the burden of neurological disorders across Indian states – Authors' reply Dandona, Lalit

9 11 p. e1504
9 Correction to Lancet Glob Health 2021; 9: 1598–607
9 11 p. e1507
10 Correction to Lancet Glob Health 2021; 9: e1119–28
9 11 p. e1507
11 Correction to Lancet Glob Health 2021; 9: e1372–79
9 11 p. e1507
12 Does mass drug administration of azithromycin reduce child mortality? Gatimu, Samwel Maina

9 11 p. e1485-e1486
13 Efficacy of typhoid conjugate vaccine in Nepal: final results of a phase 3, randomised, controlled trial Shakya, Mila

9 11 p. e1561-e1568
14 Escalating burden of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Ethiopia Adane, Kelemework

9 11 p. e1477-e1478
15 Essential diagnostics: mind the gap The Lancet Global Health,

9 11 p. e1474
16 Estimated effect of increased diagnosis, treatment, and control of diabetes and its associated cardiovascular risk factors among low-income and middle-income countries: a microsimulation model Basu, Sanjay

9 11 p. e1539-e1552
17 High anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroconversion rates before the second wave in Manaus, Brazil, and the protective effect of social behaviour measures: results from the prospective DETECTCoV-19 cohort Lalwani, Pritesh

9 11 p. e1508-e1516
18 Hospital nurse staffing and patient outcomes in Chile Miura, Motoi

9 11 p. e1501
19 Hospital nurse staffing and patient outcomes in Chile – Author's reply Aiken, Linda H

9 11 p. e1502
20 Impact of excluded studies on medical male circumcision and HIV risk compensation Mapanga, Witness

9 11 p. e1505
21 Impact of excluded studies on medical male circumcision and HIV risk compensation – Authors' reply Gao, Yanxiao

9 11 p. e1506
22 Implementation of non-communicable disease policies from 2015 to 2020: a geopolitical analysis of 194 countries Allen, Luke N

9 11 p. e1528-e1538
23 Intense SARS-CoV-2 transmission among affluent Manaus residents preceded the second wave of the epidemic in Brazil Buss, Lewis F

9 11 p. e1475-e1476
24 Paving the way towards hepatitis B virus-free generations in Africa Lesi, Olufunmilayo A

9 11 p. e1491-e1492
25 Predators in the park: multinational corporates versus population health Peer, Nasheeta

9 11 p. e1479-e1480
26 Progress and barriers towards maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination in the remaining 12 countries Yusuf, Nasir

9 11 p. e1610-e1617
27 Ravidasvir: equitable access through an alternative drug development pathway Cheong, Mark Wing Loong

9 11 p. e1496-e1497
28 Retraction—Family planning in COVID-19 times: access for all Temmerman, Marleen

9 11 p. e1498
29 SARS-CoV-2 sequencing collaboration in west Africa shows best practices Onwuamah, Chika Kingsley

9 11 p. e1499-e1500
30 Selective laser trabeculoplasty versus 0·5% timolol eye drops for the treatment of glaucoma in Tanzania: a randomised controlled trial Philippin, Heiko

9 11 p. e1589-e1599
31 Selective laser trabeculoplasty versus 0·5% timolol eye drops in the management of glaucoma in Tanzania Olawoye, Olusola

9 11 p. e1489-e1490
32 Seroepidemiology and model-based prediction of SARS-CoV-2 in Ethiopia: longitudinal cohort study among front-line hospital workers and communities Gudina, Esayas Kebede

9 11 p. e1517-e1527
33 Traditional healer-delivered point-of-care HIV testing versus referral to clinical facilities for adults of unknown serostatus in rural Uganda: a mixed-methods, cluster-randomised trial Sundararajan, Radhika

9 11 p. e1579-e1588
34 Traditional healers to improve access to quality health care in Africa Boum, Yap

9 11 p. e1487-e1488
35 Vi-TT—a typhoid conjugate vaccine for infants and young children Wierzba, Thomas F

9 11 p. e1483-e1484
                             35 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland