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                             29 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Access to and quality of elective care: a prospective cohort study using hernia surgery as a tracer condition in 83 countries
12 7 p. e1094-e1103
2 Aligning meta-regression analyses of cost-effectiveness evidence to policy makers' needs Nemzoff, Cassandra

12 7 p. e1079-e1080
3 Analysis of opioid analgesic consumption in Africa Namisango, Eve

12 7 p. e1075-e1076
4 Analysis of opioid analgesics consumption in Africa: a longitudinal study from a 20-year continental perspective Hadjiat, Yacine

12 7 p. e1120-e1128
5 Balancing global access to opioids The Lancet Global Health,

12 7 p. e1068
6 Correction to Lancet Glob Health 2024; 12: e815–25
12 7 p. e1093
7 Correction to Lancet Glob Health 2024; 12: e848–58
12 7 p. e1093
8 Cost-effectiveness of interventions for HIV/AIDS, malaria, syphilis, and tuberculosis in 128 countries: a meta-regression analysis Silke, Fiona

12 7 p. e1159-e1173
9 Decolonising global health: why the new Pandemic Agreement should have included the principle of subsidiarity de Campos-Rudinsky, Thana C

12 7 p. e1200-e1203
10 Diagnostic yield as an important metric for the evaluation of novel tuberculosis tests: rationale and guidance for future research Broger, Tobias

12 7 p. e1184-e1191
11 Digital solutions for rare diseases in global health Gerk, Ayla

12 7 p. e1091
12 Doxycycline for the treatment of nodding syndrome: a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial Idro, Richard

12 7 p. e1149-e1158
13 Erasing stigma around rare diseases Pearce, David A

12 7 p. e1092
14 Factors associated with skilled birth attendance in 37 low-income and middle-income countries: a secondary analysis of nationally representative, individual-level data Priebe, Jan

12 7 p. e1104-e1110
15 For and with people: announcing the Lancet Global Health Commission on people-centred care for universal health coverage and a call for commissioner nominations Duong, David B

12 7 p. e1089-e1090
16 Geospatial disparities in breast cancer care in sub-Saharan Africa: time to act Adisa, Adewale O

12 7 p. e1073-e1074
17 Geospatial disparities in survival of patients with breast cancer in sub-Saharan Africa from the African Breast Cancer-Disparities in Outcomes cohort (ABC-DO): a prospective cohort study Kim, Joanne

12 7 p. e1111-e1119
18 Global health for rare diseases through primary care Baynam, Gareth

12 7 p. e1192-e1199
19 Hernia repair as a tracer for elective surgical care Naluyimbazi, Rovine

12 7 p. e1069-e1070
20 Neurodevelopment in preschool children exposed and unexposed to Zika virus in utero in Nicaragua: a prospective cohort study Max, Ryan

12 7 p. e1129-e1138
21 Nodding syndrome and doxycycline: promising findings with open questions Olal, Emmanuel

12 7 p. e1077-e1078
22 Short-term aid or long-term gains? Harnessing Sudan's humanitarian response for the resilience of its health system Elbukhari Ibrahim, Maisoon

12 7 p. e1204-e1208
23 Skilled birth attendance: safeguarding mothers and newborns Ameyaw, Edward Kwabena

12 7 p. e1071-e1072
24 The drug drought in maternal health: an ongoing predicament Ammerdorffer, Anne

12 7 p. e1174-e1183
25 The surge of mpox in Africa: a call for action Nachega, Jean B

12 7 p. e1086-e1088
26 The west Africa Ebola virus disease outbreak: 10 years on Kyobe Bosa, Henry

12 7 p. e1081-e1083
27 Trade-offs between clinical performance and test accessibility in tuberculosis diagnosis: a multi-country modelling approach for target product profile development Nooy, Alexandra de

12 7 p. e1139-e1148
28 When sex is demanded as payment for health-care services Coleman, Michele L

12 7 p. e1209-e1213
29 Why are the Sustainable Development Goals failing? Overcoming the paradox of unimplementability Engebretsen, Eivind

12 7 p. e1084-e1085
                             29 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland