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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Access to emergency surgical treatment for congenital heart diseases in the state of São Paulo de Oliveira, Maira Marasca

100 1 p. 88-92
2 Answer to letter to the editor “Further studies are still necessary in the relationship between indoor environment and otitis media” Wang, Tingting

100 1 p. 117
3 Behavioral disorders in children and adolescents with atopic dermatitis Moraes, Marília Magalhães

100 1 p. 93-99
4 Clinical significance of serum microRNA-146a and inflammatory factors in children with Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia after azithromycin treatment Wang, Zhe

100 1 p. 108-115
5 Consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - a systematic review Dal-Pai, Janise

100 1 p. 25-31
6 Egg allergy and yellow fever vaccination Cançado, Bárbara L.B.

100 1 p. 60-66
7 Evaluation of cardiac autonomic function and low-grade inflammation in children with obesity living in the Northeast Brazilian region Costa, Paulo César Trindade

100 1 p. 74-80
8 Further studies are still necessary on the relationship between indoor environment and otitis media Lubianca Neto, José Faibes

100 1 p. 116
9 Height and body mass index distribution in children and adolescents with and without spina bifida Bertapelli, Fabio

100 1 p. 46-52
10 Improved efficiency in the management of newborns with infectious risk factors by the sepsis risk calculator and clinical observation Mazabanda López, Diego Andrés

100 1 p. 100-107
11 Less invasive surfactant administration versus intubation-surfactant-extubation in the treatment of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analyses Silveira, Rita C.

100 1 p. 8-24
12 Lifestyle and quality of life in children and adolescents during the covid-19 social distancing period Araujo, Catherine Pires de

100 1 p. 53-59
13 Oropharyngeal colostrum and reduction in mortality for preterm infants Embleton, Nicholas D.

100 1 p. 1-3
14 Oropharyngeal colostrum immunotherapy and risk reduction of mortality in very low birth weight premature newborns: a clinical trial Martins, Camilla da C.

100 1 p. 32-39
15 Outcomes and factors associated with tolerance in infants with non-IgE-mediated cow's milk allergy with gastrointestinal manifestations Vasconcelos, Príscila da Silva Pereira

100 1 p. 40-45
16 Pediatric kidney transplantation: outcomes with under and over 6-year-old donors Lysakowski, Simone

100 1 p. 67-73
17 Serum interleukin-33 combined with FEF75% z-score and FeNO improves the diagnostic accuracy of asthma in children Yang, Qiuyan

100 1 p. 81-87
18 Tolerance development in non-IgE mediated food allergies: lessons from Brazil Venter, Carina

100 1 p. 4-7
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland