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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Comparison of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics With Oral Antipsychotics on Time to Rehospitalization Within 1 Year of Discharge in Elderly Patients With Schizophrenia Lin, Ching-Hua

28 1 p. 23-30
2 Animal Models of Psychosis in Alzheimer Disease Krivinko, Josh M.

28 1 p. 1-19
3 Chronic Systemic Inflammation Is Associated With Symptoms of Late-Life Depression: The ARIC Study Sonsin-Diaz, Natalia

28 1 p. 87-98
4 Commentary: Lessons Learned From Animal Models for Schizophrenia Swerdlow, Neal R.

28 1 p. 20-22
5 Commentary on “Low Mood and Risk of Dementia: The Role of Marital Status and Living Situation” Monin, Joan K.

28 1 p. 45-47
6 Depression Symptoms Declining Among Older Adults: Birth Cohort Analyses From the Rust Belt Sullivan, Kevin J.

28 1 p. 99-107
7 Do Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors Prevent or Delay Psychotropic Prescribing in People With Dementia? Analyses of the Swedish Dementia Registry Tan, Edwin C.K.

28 1 p. 108-117
8 Information for Subscribers
28 1 p. A1
9 In This Issue
28 1 p. A5-A6
10 Invited Perspective on “A Comparison of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics With Oral Antipsychotics on Time to Rehospitalization Within One Year of Discharge in Elderly Patients With Schizophrenia” Saxena, Parnika P.

28 1 p. 31-32
11 Late-Life Neuropsychiatric Symptoms: Windows Into Cognitive Decline? Gatchel, Jennifer R.

28 1 p. 72-74
12 Low Mood and Risk of Dementia: The Role of Marital Status and Living Situation Sjöberg, Linnea

28 1 p. 33-44
13 Neuropsychiatric Symptoms as Risk Factors for Cognitive Decline in Clinically Normal Older Adults: The Cache County Study Burhanullah, Muhammad Haroon

28 1 p. 64-71
14 Postmortem Cortical Transcriptomics of Lewy Body Dementia Reveal Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Lack of Neuroinflammation Rajkumar, Anto P.

28 1 p. 75-86
15 Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Neurodegeneration Neylan, Thomas C.

28 1 p. 61-63
16 Table of Contents
28 1 p. A2-A4
17 The Interplay Between Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Dementia: A Systematic Review Desmarais, Philippe

28 1 p. 48-60
18 Transition of Care Portman, Diane

28 1 p. 118-119
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland