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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aberration detection in influenza trends in Iran by using cumulative sum chart and period regression Alimohamadi, Yousef

15 6 p. 529-535
2 A comparative study on the psychological health status of pre-clinical medical students enrolled through different admission tests Yusoff, Muhamad S.B.

15 6 p. 439-446
3 A subareolar breast abscess in a man: A case report and literature review Alqahtani, Saad M.

15 6 p. 557-560
4 Auditory sensory gating in Huffaz using an auditory brainstem response with a psychological task: A preliminary investigation Dzulkarnain, Ahmad A.A.

15 6 p. 495-501
5 Determining the cardiovascular effects of nitric oxide in the dorsolateral Periaqueductal Gray (dlPAG) in anaesthetised rats NejadShahrokhAbadi, Reza

15 6 p. 502-508
6 Determining the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection, dopamine, and COVID-19 complications Khalefah, Muad M.

15 6 p. 550-553
7 Emotional intelligence and perceived stress among students in Saudi health colleges: A cross-sectional correlational study Shahin, Mahmoud A.

15 6 p. 463-470
8 Epidemiology and risk factors associated with early onset neonatal sepsis in the south of KSA Almudeer, Ali H.

15 6 p. 509-514
9 Evaluation of dental students’ responses to roleplay videos in a professionalism course Al-Khalifa, Khalifa S.

15 6 p. 471-478
10 Experience of e-learning and online assessment during the COVID-19 pandemic at the College of Medicine, Qassim University Elzainy, Ahmed

15 6 p. 456-462
11 Exploring the impact of physical factors on the overweight and obese physical therapy students El-gohary, Tarek M.

15 6 p. 479-485
12 Mind the gap: The integration of anatomy course contents with basic procedural skills Naylor, Katarzyna A.

15 6 p. 447-455
13 Minimising chemotherapy while optimising immune therapy for paediatric nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin's lymphoma Farhan, Roiya

15 6 p. 554-556
14 Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health care workers Qasem Surrati, Amal M.

15 6 p. 536-543
15 Quantification of physical activity of Malaysian traditional games for school-based intervention among primary school children Adnan, Mazuin

15 6 p. 486-494
16 Seasonal variations in serum levels of vitamin D and other biochemical markers among KSA patients prior to thyroid surgery Aldrees, Turki

15 6 p. 522-528
17 The prevalence of sexual dysfunction among postpartum women on the East Coast of Malaysia Khalid, Nur N.

15 6 p. 515-521
18 The psychosocial and clinical concerns of physicians treating patients with COVID-19 Saadeh, Rami A.

15 6 p. 544-549
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland