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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Anatole-Felix Le Double (1848–1913): 110 years of his death Pires, L.A.S.

107 358 p.
2 Anatomical variations of the superior thyroid artery: A systematic review Tzortzis, A.S.

107 358 p.
3 A unique variation of the deep fibular nerve: A case report Goral, K.

107 358 p.
4 Conformational variations of the medial epicondyle of the humerus: A case study of fusion anomaly on dry bones Ducher, A.

107 358 p.
5 Contents
107 358 p.
6 Contribution to a better analysis of spermatic and ultrasound testicular parameters in the follow-up of male infertility at the Histology Embryology Cytogenetic Laboratory of Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD) Diop, N.

107 358 p.
7 Editorial board
107 358 p.
8 Googling “Anatomy dissection”: Pre-pandemic, pandemic, and current scenario Singal, A.

107 358 p.
9 Healing of particulate allografts mixed with platelet concentrates in ridge preservation and sinus lift: a prospective histomorphometric study Wardani, A.

107 358 p.
10 Introducing article numbering and article-based publishing for Morphologie
107 358 p.
11 Is facial geometric morphometrics a useful method for age estimation in children and adolescents? Limited evidence and lack of studies leave us with an uncertain answer Damascena, Nicole Prata

107 358 p.
12 Morphology of papillary muscles in the ventricles of heart - a review and meta-analysis Ambiga, R.

107 358 p.
13 Origin of triple right coronary with separate ostium Borthakur, D.

107 358 p.
14 30 years of the ABFO study: Reproduction in a Brazilian sample Pinheiro, A.

107 358 p.
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland