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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A tobacco-free generation: the end goal of the endgame The Lancet Respiratory Medicine,

12 3 p. 181
2 Australia to ban disposable vapes in 2024 Kirby, Tony

12 3 p. e12
3 Balanced crystalloids versus saline for critically ill patients (BEST-Living): a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis Zampieri, Fernando G

12 3 p. 237-246
4 Coal power plant pollution linked to deaths in the USA Furlow, Bryant

12 3 p. 193
5 Individualised, perioperative open-lung ventilation strategy during one-lung ventilation (iPROVE-OLV): a multicentre, randomised, controlled clinical trial Ferrando, Carlos

12 3 p. 195-206
6 Individualised perioperative ventilation in one-lung anaesthesia? Buggy, Pádraig M

12 3 p. 182-183
7 Interpreting posterior probabilities in Bayesian analyses of clinical trials Yarnell, Christopher J

12 3 p. 188-190
8 Normal saline versus balanced crystalloids: is it all about sodium? Messmer, Anna S

12 3 p. 187-188
9 Risk factors for COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Gioia, Francesca

12 3 p. 207-216
10 Risk of COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis: time for a nuanced approach to antifungal prophylaxis? Hoenigl, Martin

12 3 p. 183-185
11 Risk scores as a surrogate in pulmonary arterial hypertension: a different lens White, R James

12 3 p. e9-e10
12 Risk scores as a surrogate in pulmonary arterial hypertension: a different lens – Authors' reply Harhay, Michael O

12 3 p. e11
13 Shaping urban environments to improve respiratory health: recommendations for research, planning, and policy Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark

12 3 p. 247-254
14 Sunvozertinib for patients in China with platinum-pretreated locally advanced or metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer and EGFR exon 20 insertion mutation (WU-KONG6): single-arm, open-label, multicentre, phase 2 trial Wang, Mengzhao

12 3 p. 217-224
15 Sunvozertinib: the next candidate of TKI for NSCLC Hayashi, Hidetoshi

12 3 p. 185-186
16 The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines to prevent long COVID symptoms: staggered cohort study of data from the UK, Spain, and Estonia Català, Martí

12 3 p. 225-236
17 The lung is not a balloon: the self-sealing property of the lung Chopra, Amit

12 3 p. 190-192
18 Tobacco Slave: Imperial Practices in the Modern Age Burki, Talha

12 3 p. 194
19 What is next for BCG revaccination to prevent tuberculosis? White, Richard G

12 3 p. e7-e8
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland