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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A negative trial for vasoactive intestinal peptide in COVID-19-associated acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure Lee, Warren L

11 9 p. 759-760
2 Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: realising the potential of multimodal management Delcroix, Marion

11 9 p. 836-850
3 Completion, safety, and efficacy of tuberculosis preventive treatment regimens containing rifampicin or rifapentine: an individual patient data network meta-analysis Winters, Nicholas

11 9 p. 782-790
4 Detecting hypoxaemia among children with pneumonia in low-resource settings El Arifeen, Shams

11 9 p. 756-757
5 From profit to impact: lives saved and the future of RSV vaccine development Mazur, Natalie

11 9 p. 763-765
6 Germany's cycling vision threatened by proposed budget cuts Balakrishnan, Vijay Shankar

11 9 p. 766
7 HLA-B*15:01 allele and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection Triunfol, Marcia

11 9 p. e83
8 Holding out for a hero Ranscombe, Peter

11 9 p. 768
9 Illuminating the many faces of pulmonary hypertension Newman, Joseph

11 9 p. 760-762
10 Influenza deaths for the 2022–23 season Venkatesan, Priya

11 9 p. e82
11 Inhibiting C5 in patients with severe COVID-19—the incorrect target? Lim, Endry H T

11 9 p. e80
12 Inhibiting C5 in patients with severe COVID-19—the incorrect target? – Authors’ reply Annane, Djillali

11 9 p. e81
13 Intravenous aviptadil and remdesivir for treatment of COVID-19-associated hypoxaemic respiratory failure in the USA (TESICO): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial Brown, Samuel M

11 9 p. 791-803
14 Natalie Mazur—creating an affordable vaccine for RSV Kirby, Tony

11 9 p. 767
15 New developments in bronchiectasis The Lancet Respiratory Medicine,

11 9 p. 755
16 Pulmonary hypertension associated with lung disease: new insights into pathomechanisms, diagnosis, and management Olsson, Karen M

11 9 p. 820-835
17 Reducing treatment burden in the era of CFTR modulators Robinson, Paul D

11 9 p. e78
18 Reducing treatment burden in the era of CFTR modulators – Authors' reply Gifford, Alex H

11 9 p. e79
19 Risk and accuracy of outpatient-identified hypoxaemia for death among suspected child pneumonia cases in rural Bangladesh: a multifacility prospective cohort study McCollum, Eric D

11 9 p. 769-781
20 Shorter regimens for tuberculosis preventive treatment: piecing together the global implementation jigsaw van Crevel, Reinout

11 9 p. 757-759
21 Treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension: recent progress and a look to the future Humbert, Marc

11 9 p. 804-819
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland