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                             26 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Awake prone positioning for non-intubated patients with COVID-19-related acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis Li, Jie

10 6 p. 573-583
2 Barriers to tuberculosis care in the Philippines Dychiao, Robyn Gayle K

10 6 p. e55
3 Comparative vaccine effectiveness against severe COVID-19 over time in US hospital administrative data: a case-control study Wright, Bill J

10 6 p. 557-565
4 Concerns about PRISm Knox-Brown, Ben

10 6 p. e51-e52
5 Correction to Lancet Respir Med 2022; 10: 545–56
10 6 p. e60
6 Correction to Lancet Respir Med 2022; published online Feb 25.
10 6 p. e60
7 Dynamic zero COVID policy in the fight against COVID Burki, Talha

10 6 p. e58-e59
8 Early Th2 inflammation in the upper respiratory mucosa as a predictor of severe COVID-19 and modulation by early treatment with inhaled corticosteroids: a mechanistic analysis Baker, Jonathan R

10 6 p. 545-556
9 Ending the tuberculosis syndemic: is COVID-19 the (in)convenient scapegoat for poor progress? Rangaka, Molebogeng X

10 6 p. 529-531
10 European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 2022 Venkatesan, Priya

10 6 p. e56-e57
11 How to survive a pandemic Burki, Talha

10 6 p. 544
12 Inhaled corticosteroids: not just for asthma, but for COVID-19? Liew, Felicity

10 6 p. 526-527
13 Making a case for investing in post-tuberculosis lung health in children Nkereuwem, Esin

10 6 p. 536-537
14 Optimising tuberculosis care for refugees affected by armed conflicts Castro, Kenneth G

10 6 p. 533-536
15 Paediatric pneumonia: catalysing research priorities for the next decade King, Carina

10 6 p. 540-541
16 Proteomic biomarkers of progressive fibrosing interstitial lung disease: a multicentre cohort analysis Bowman, Willis S

10 6 p. 593-602
17 Reducing asthma attacks in children using exhaled nitric oxide (RAACENO) as a biomarker to inform treatment strategy: a multicentre, parallel, randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial Turner, Steve

10 6 p. 584-592
18 Rethinking the efficacy of awake prone positioning in COVID-19-related acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure Li, Qinyuan

10 6 p. e53
19 Rethinking the efficacy of awake prone positioning in COVID-19-related acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure – Authors' reply Luo, Jian

10 6 p. e54
20 Supporting families with tuberculosis during COVID-19 in Khayelithsa, South Africa Apolisi, Ivy

10 6 p. 542-543
21 Tackling tuberculosis: what lies beneath the surface? The Lancet Respiratory Medicine,

10 6 p. 525
22 The crucial need for tuberculosis translational research in the time of COVID-19 Loh, Fei Kean

10 6 p. 531-533
23 The intersecting pandemics of tuberculosis and COVID-19: population-level and patient-level impact, clinical presentation, and corrective interventions Dheda, Keertan

10 6 p. 603-622
24 The pandemic and the great awakening in the management of acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure Shekar, Kiran

10 6 p. 527-529
25 Tuberculosis prevalence: beyond the tip of the iceberg Houben, Rein M G J

10 6 p. 537-539
26 Vaccine efficacy against severe COVID-19 in relation to delta variant (B.1.617.2) and time since second dose in patients in Scotland (REACT-SCOT): a case-control study McKeigue, Paul M

10 6 p. 566-572
                             26 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland