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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Association between very to moderate preterm births, lung function deficits, and COPD at age 53 years: analysis of a prospective cohort study Bui, Dinh S

10 5 p. 478-484
2 Astegolimab, an anti-ST2, in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD-ST2OP): a phase 2a, placebo-controlled trial Yousuf, Ahmed J

10 5 p. 469-477
3 Can we trust the oxygen saturation measured by consumer smartwatches? Zhang, Zhongxing

10 5 p. e47-e48
4 Christine Jenkins—global advocate for asthma and COPD Kirby, Tony

10 5 p. 431
5 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in never-smokers: risk factors, pathogenesis, and implications for prevention and treatment Yang, Ian A

10 5 p. 497-511
6 COPD: a complex, multifactorial, but preventable disease? The Lancet Respiratory Medicine,

10 5 p. 421
7 COPD, smoking, and social justice Hopkinson, Nicholas S

10 5 p. 428-430
8 Correction to Lancet Respir Med 2022; 10: e36–37
10 5 p. e50
9 Engineer with COPD embraces trial participation Kirby, Tony

10 5 p. 432-433
10 Genetics of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: understanding the pathobiology and heterogeneity of a complex disorder Cho, Michael H

10 5 p. 485-496
11 GETting to know the many causes and faces of COPD Lee, Hyun

10 5 p. 426-428
12 Global, regional, and national prevalence of, and risk factors for, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in 2019: a systematic review and modelling analysis Adeloye, Davies

10 5 p. 447-458
13 Health of Ukranian citizens under threat from conflict and displacement Burki, Talha Khan

10 5 p. e49
14 IL-33 in COPD: the hunt for responder subgroups Singh, Dave

10 5 p. 425-426
15 Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae–Moraxella catarrhalis vaccine for the prevention of exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled, observer-blinded, proof-of-concept, phase 2b trial Andreas, Stefan

10 5 p. 435-446
16 Pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: understanding the contributions of gene–environment interactions across the lifespan Agustí, Alvar

10 5 p. 512-524
17 Prematurity-associated lung disease: looking beyond bronchopulmonary dysplasia Kotecha, Sailesh

10 5 p. e46
18 Primary ciliary dyskinesia: a big data genomics approach Mitchison, Hannah M

10 5 p. 423-425
19 Priorities for NICE in health and social care Pascal, Genevieve

10 5 p. 434
20 Saving our planet one puff at a time Carroll, Will D

10 5 p. e44-e45
21 The global prevalence and ethnic heterogeneity of primary ciliary dyskinesia gene variants: a genetic database analysis Hannah, William B

10 5 p. 459-468
22 Vaccines for COPD exacerbation prevention: do they work? Wedzicha, Jadwiga A

10 5 p. 422-423
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland