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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Bronchodilator reversibility in patients with asthma and persistent airflow limitation Crisafulli, Ernesto

10 11 p. e94-e95
2 Bronchodilator reversibility in patients with asthma and persistent airflow limitation – Authors' reply Kole, Tessa M

10 11 p. e96
3 Correction to Lancet Respir Med 2022; published online Aug 18.
10 11 p. e106
4 Daily use of lateral flow devices by contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases to enable exemption from isolation compared with standard self-isolation to reduce onward transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in England: a randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial Love, Nicola K

10 11 p. 1074-1085
5 Effect of priming interval on reactogenicity, peak immunological response, and waning after homologous and heterologous COVID-19 vaccine schedules: exploratory analyses of Com-COV, a randomised control trial Shaw, Robert H

10 11 p. 1049-1060
6 European Respiratory Society International Congress 2022 Venkatesan, Priya

10 11 p. e103-e104
7 Furmonertinib (AST2818) versus gefitinib as first-line therapy for Chinese patients with locally advanced or metastatic EGFR mutation-positive non-small-cell lung cancer (FURLONG): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised phase 3 study Shi, Yuankai

10 11 p. 1019-1028
8 Home oxygen for moderate hypoxaemia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis Lacasse, Yves

10 11 p. 1029-1037
9 Implications of court ruling on preventive services in the USA Nelson, Roxanne

10 11 p. e105
10 Incidence of death or disability at 6 months after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in Australia: a prospective, multicentre, registry-embedded cohort study Hodgson, Carol L

10 11 p. 1038-1048
11 Lifting the veil on humour and anaesthetics Ranscombe, Peter

10 11 p. 1017
12 Long-term oxygen therapy in COPD: what is the evidence? Windisch, Wolfram

10 11 p. 1010-1011
13 Monkeypox transmission—what we know so far Venkatesan, Priya

10 11 p. e101
14 More investment needed to tackle NCDs Cooper, Bethany

10 11 p. e102
15 Onset and window of SARS-CoV-2 infectiousness and temporal correlation with symptom onset: a prospective, longitudinal, community cohort study Hakki, Seran

10 11 p. 1061-1073
16 Pulse oximetry for the diagnosis and management of acute respiratory distress syndrome Wick, Katherine D

10 11 p. 1086-1098
17 SARS-CoV-2: can isolation be limited to those who are truly infectious? Vink, Elen

10 11 p. 1011-1013
18 Tackling the global burden of lung disease through prevention and early diagnosis Agusti, Alvar

10 11 p. 1013-1015
19 The burden of tuberculosis in Libya Balakrishnan, Vijay Shankar

10 11 p. e99-e100
20 The long shadow of COVID-19 in Africa Makoni, Munyaradzi

10 11 p. 1016
21 The upcoming influenza season and protection from vaccines Burki, Talha

10 11 p. 1018
22 When should we treat moderate hypoxaemia in patients with COPD? Attaway, Amy

10 11 p. e97
23 When should we treat moderate hypoxaemia in patients with COPD? – Authors' reply Lacasse, Yves

10 11 p. e98
24 Withdrawal of COVID funding compounds health inequalities The Lancet Respiratory Medicine,

10 11 p. 1009
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland