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                             27 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Alteration of LncRNA expression in mice placentae after frozen embryo transfer is associated with increased fetal weight Zhu, Yuan

22 2 p.
2 CircATRNL1 increases acid-sensing ion channel 1 to advance epithelial-mesenchymal transition in endometriosis by binding to microRNA-103a-3p Chen, Xiyun

22 2 p.
3 CircFN1 upregulation initiated oxidative stress-induced apoptosis and inhibition of proliferation and migration in trophoblasts via circFN1-miR-19a/b-3p-ATF2 ceRNA network Li, Kai

22 2 p.
4 CircRNA circ_0043533 facilitates cell growth in polycystic ovary syndrome by targeting miR-1179 Chen, Ai-Xue

22 2 p.
5 Circular RNA hsa_circ_0011385 contributes to cervical cancer progression through sequestering miR-149–5p and increasing PRDX6 expression Hu, Lijuan

22 2 p.
6 Contents
22 2 p.
7 Deletion in the Y chromosome of B10.BR-Ydel mice alters transcription from MSYq genes and has moderate effect on DNA methylation Kotarska, Katarzyna

22 2 p.
8 Effect of Ezrin on regulating trophoblast cell invasion via PKC signaling pathway in unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion Zhang, Ruixiu

22 2 p.
9 Electromagnetic field exposure alters in vitro estrogen biosynthesis and its release by the porcine endometrium in the peri-implantation period Kozlowska, Wiktoria

22 2 p.
10 Emergence and selection of the dominant follicle and gonadotropin dynamics in postpartum lactating versus non-postpartum cycling mares Pastorello, Marilia

22 2 p.
11 GnRH agonist treatment regulates IL-6 and IL-11 expression in endometrial stromal cells for patients with HRT regiment in frozen embryo transfer cycles Li, Lifei

22 2 p.
12 Hsa_circ_0001495 contributes to cervical cancer progression by targeting miR-526b-3p/TMBIM6/mTOR axis Zhang, Xiuzhi

22 2 p.
13 Identification of genes associated with susceptibility to persistent breeding-induced endometritis by RNA-sequencing of uterine cytobrush samples Elshalofy, Amr

22 2 p.
14 Influence of maternal obesity on human trophoblast differentiation: The role of mitochondrial status Hernández, Marta Hita

22 2 p.
15 Maternal hypothyroidism reduces the expression of the kisspeptin/Kiss1r system in the maternal-fetal interface of rats Santos, Bianca Reis

22 2 p.
16 Molecular characterization and expression profiling of FOXL2 gene in goose (Anser cygnoides) Wang, Cui

22 2 p.
17 Oncostatin M and its receptor in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and association with assisted reproductive technology outcomes Nikanfar, Saba

22 2 p.
18 Opa interacting protein 5 promotes proliferation and migration of trophoblast cells via activating STAT3 pathway Xu, Hui

22 2 p.
19 Overexpression of miR-493-3p suppresses ovarian cancer cell proliferation, migration and invasion through downregulating DPY30 Liu, Qian

22 2 p.
20 Ras-related proteins (Rab) play significant roles in sperm motility and capacitation status Bae, Jeong-Won

22 2 p.
21 Salivary TIMP1 and predicted mir-141, possible transcript biomarkers for estrus in the buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Naidu Surla, Gangu

22 2 p.
22 Sperm mRNAs as potential markers of male fertility Hernández-Silva, Gabriela

22 2 p.
23 The effect of icariin on autoimmune premature ovarian insufficiency via modulation of Nrf2/HO-1/Sirt1 pathway in mice Chen, Haoran

22 2 p.
24 Thermally conductive graphene-based nanofluids, a novel class of cryosolutions for mouse blastocysts vitrification Fayazi, Samaneh

22 2 p.
25 The role of extracellular vesicles in endometrial receptivity and their potential in reproductive therapeutics and diagnosis Hart, Amber Rose

22 2 p.
26 The roles and expression of HOXA/Hoxa10 gene: A prospective marker of mammalian female fertility? Ekanayake, Don Lochana

22 2 p.
27 Vitamin C enhances porcine cloned embryo development and improves the derivation of embryonic stem-like cells Fang, Xun

22 2 p.
                             27 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland