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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A narrative lens for financial communication: Taking the “linguistic turn” Musacchio Adorisio, Anna Linda

15 1 p. 77-82
2 Argumentation in earnings conference calls. Corporate standpoints and analysts’ challenges Palmieri, Rudi

15 1 p. 120-132
3 Comprehensibility and comprehensiveness of financial analysts’ reports Whitehouse-Furrer, Marlies

15 1 p. 111-119
4 Editorial Greco, Sara

15 1 p. 1
5 Editorial Board
15 1 p. v-vi
6 Ethical free riding? The double entendre of “dirty hands” in finance, exemplified by ethical investment guidelines Seele, Peter

15 1 p. 61-67
7 Hedging in the discourse of central banks Resche, Catherine

15 1 p. 83-92
8 IFRS without an International Financial Reporting Language (IFRL): Evidence of multiculturalism and a lack of global transparency in the EU Crowley, Mark D.

15 1 p. 53-60
9 Insiders’ incentives of using a specific disclosure tone when trading Sandulescu, Paula Mirela

15 1 p. 12-36
10 Introduction to thematic section on text and discourse analysis in financial communication Rocci, Andrea

15 1 p. 2-4
11 Language competence as a moderator of ethnolinguistic identity gratifications among three language minorities in Europe Vincze, Laszlo

15 1 p. 151-157
12 Metaphorical patterns and the subprime mortgage crisis: Towards cross-linguistic, discourse-specific and n-gram-based dictionaries for sentiment analysis Gredel, Eva

15 1 p. 37-44
13 [No title] Greco, Sara

15 1 p. 161-162
14 Old glass ceilings are hard to break: Gender usage trends in annual reports Loughran, Tim

15 1 p. 5-11
15 Pension helpdesk calls: A repair mechanism in the client communication of financial institutions Nell, Louise

15 1 p. 103-110
16 Relational tensions and professionally optimal listening in the legal communication context: Finnish judges’ perceptions of their own listening Ala-Kortesmaa, Sanna

15 1 p. 133-142
17 Sense-making in financial communication: Semiotic vectors and iconographic strategies in banking advertising Bargenda, Angela

15 1 p. 93-102
18 Spiral of silence online: How online communication affects opinion climate perception and opinion expression regarding the climate change debate Porten-Cheé, Pablo

15 1 p. 143-150
19 The language of executive financial discourse Leibbrand, Miriam Paola

15 1 p. 45-52
20 “We may face the risks” … “risks that could adversely affect our face.” A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of modality markers in CSR reports Aiezza, Maria Cristina

15 1 p. 68-76
21 “What's in it for us?” Six dyadic networking strategies in academia Labrie, Nanon

15 1 p. 158-160
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland