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                             19 results found
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1 A class of spatially correlated self-exciting statistical models Clark, Nicholas J.

43 C p.
2 A different type of Burr distribution applying to hydro-meteorological data Güçlü, Yavuz Selim

43 C p.
3 A linear mixed model formulation for spatio-temporal random processes with computational advances for the product, sum, and product–sum covariance functions Dumelle, Michael

43 C p.
4 A novel method for socioeconomic data spatialization Ji, Zhonghui

43 C p.
5 A perceptron for detecting the preferential sampling of locations and times chosen to monitor a spatio-temporal process Watson, Joe

43 C p.
6 Assessment of Spatio-temporal Climatological trends of ozone over the Indian region using Machine Learning Pathakoti, Mahesh

43 C p.
7 Bayesian inference for big spatial data using non-stationary spectral simulation Yang, Hou-Cheng

43 C p.
8 Compositionally-warped additive mixed modeling for a wide variety of non-Gaussian spatial data Murakami, Daisuke

43 C p.
9 Efficiency assessment of approximated spatial predictions for large datasets Hong, Yiping

43 C p.
10 Generalized mixed spatio-temporal modeling: Random effect via factor analysis with nonlinear interaction for cluster detection Ferreira, Milton Pifano S.

43 C p.
11 Joint simulation through orthogonal factors generated by the L-SHADE optimization method Sohrabian, Babak

43 C p.
12 Modeling accident risk at the road level through zero-inflated negative binomial models: A case study of multiple road networks Briz-Redón, Álvaro

43 C p.
13 Object oriented spatial analysis of natural concentration levels of chemical species in regional-scale aquifers Menafoglio, Alessandra

43 C p.
14 Parametric and nonparametric conditional quantile regression modeling for dependent spatial functional data Rachdi, Mustapha

43 C p.
15 Shadow Simulated Annealing: A new algorithm for approximate Bayesian inference of Gibbs point processes Stoica, R.S.

43 C p.
16 The F -family of covariance functions: A Matérn analogue for modeling random fields on spheres Alegría, A.

43 C p.
17 The (in)stability of Bayesian model selection criteria in disease mapping Vranckx, M.

43 C p.
18 The root-Gaussian Cox process and a generalized EMS algorithm Brown, Patrick E.

43 C p.
19 U.S. banking deregulation and local economic growth: A spatial analysis Spierdijk, Laura

43 C p.
                             19 results found
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