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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aneurismas intracraneales no rotos tratados con microcirugía: análisis de resultados clínicos y radiológicos Vázquez Sufuentes, Silvia

35 6 p. 289-298
2 Cervical spine spondylodiscitis due to neglected esophageal perforation after a dilation procedure 30 years after a laringectomy and radiotherapy. Report of a case and review of literature Vargas-Reverón, Caribay

35 6 p. 334-339
3 Chiari malformation presenting with subarachnoid hemorrhage: a case report Schimmel, Samantha

35 6 p. 319-322
4 Effective method of pedicle screw fixation in patients with neurologically intact thoracolumbar burst fractures: a systematic review of studies published over the last 20 years Grin, Andrey

35 6 p. 299-310
5 Epidemiological aspects of syringomyelia in a 19-year old cohort of spinal cord injury patients Viana Bonan de Aguiar, Vitor

35 6 p. 311-318
6 Integrating endovascular techniques into established open neurosurgery practice: a temporal analysis of treatment evolution in a dual-trained neurosurgical unit Arrese, Ignacio

35 6 p. 281-288
7 Papel de la craniectomía descompresiva en el edema cerebral fulminante agudo Antuña Ramos, Aida

35 6 p. 329-333
8 Tumor fibroso solitario gigante del surco olfatorio. Un simulador inusual en una localización inusual García Pérez, Fernando

35 6 p. 323-328
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland