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                             27 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A20 deficiency in myeloid cells protects mice from diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance due to increased fatty acid metabolism Catrysse, Leen

36 12 p.
2 A long-range, recurrent neuronal network linking the emotion regions with the somatic motor cortex Wang, Yihan

36 12 p.
3 An additional NF-κB site allows HIV-1 subtype C to evade restriction by nuclear PYHIN proteins Bosso, Matteo

36 12 p.
4 ATF3 promotes the serine synthesis pathway and tumor growth under dietary serine restriction Li, Xingyao

36 12 p.
5 Atypical TNF-TNFR superfamily binding interface in the GITR-GITRL complex for T cell activation Zhao, Min

36 12 p.
6 Brown adipocyte ATF4 activation improves thermoregulation and systemic metabolism Paulo, Esther

36 12 p.
7 Bub1 and CENP-U redundantly recruit Plk1 to stabilize kinetochore-microtubule attachments and ensure accurate chromosome segregation Chen, Qinfu

36 12 p.
8 CCR2 deficiency alters activation of microglia subsets in traumatic brain injury Somebang, Kerri

36 12 p.
9 Cerebellar spreading depolarization mediates paroxysmal movement disorder Lu, Bin

36 12 p.
10 DNA methylation is required to maintain both DNA replication timing precision and 3D genome organization integrity Du, Qian

36 12 p.
11 DOT1L O-GlcNAcylation promotes its protein stability and MLL-fusion leukemia cell proliferation Song, Tanjing

36 12 p.
12 Enhancer recruitment of transcription repressors RUNX1 and TLE3 by mis-expressed FOXC1 blocks differentiation in acute myeloid leukemia Simeoni, Fabrizio

36 12 p.
13 Gut microbiota-mediated secondary bile acids regulate dendritic cells to attenuate autoimmune uveitis through TGR5 signaling Hu, Jianping

36 12 p.
14 Homologous organization of cerebellar pathways to sensory, motor, and associative forebrain Pisano, Thomas J.

36 12 p.
15 Inappropriate use of antibiotics exacerbates inflammation through OMV-induced pyroptosis in MDR Klebsiella pneumoniae infection Ye, Chao

36 12 p.
16 Introduction of synaptotagmin 7 promotes facilitation at the climbing fiber to Purkinje cell synapse Weyrer, Christopher

36 12 p.
17 Kainate receptors regulate the functional properties of young adult-born dentate granule cells Zhu, Yiwen

36 12 p.
18 Multiplexed functional metagenomic analysis of the infant microbiome identifies effectors of NF-κB, autophagy, and cellular redox state Piscotta, Frank J.

36 12 p.
19 Organotypic endothelial adhesion molecules are key for Trypanosoma brucei tropism and virulence De Niz, Mariana

36 12 p.
20 Parallel cognitive processing streams in human prefrontal cortex: Parsing areal-level brain network for response inhibition Osada, Takahiro

36 12 p.
21 PBRM1 loss in kidney cancer unbalances the proximal tubule master transcription factor hub to repress proximal tubule differentiation Gu, Xiaorong

36 12 p.
22 Proteopathic tau primes and activates interleukin-1β via myeloid-cell-specific MyD88- and NLRP3-ASC-inflammasome pathway Jiang, Shanya

36 12 p.
23 Redundant cytokine requirement for intestinal microbiota-induced Th17 cell differentiation in draining lymph nodes Sano, Teruyuki

36 12 p.
24 Single-cell secretion analysis reveals a dual role for IL-10 in restraining and resolving the TLR4-induced inflammatory response Alexander, Amanda F.

36 12 p.
25 Substrate ubiquitination retains misfolded membrane proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum for degradation Sun, Zhihao

36 12 p.
26 The protein arginine methyltransferase PRMT1 promotes TBK1 activation through asymmetric arginine methylation Yan, Zhenzhen

36 12 p.
27 UQCRC1 engages cytochrome c for neuronal apoptotic cell death Hung, Yu-Chien

36 12 p.
                             27 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland