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                             28 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An IDH1-vitamin C crosstalk drives human erythroid development by inhibiting pro-oxidant mitochondrial metabolism Gonzalez-Menendez, Pedro

34 5 p.
2 A snapshot of translation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis during exponential growth and nutrient starvation revealed by ribosome profiling Sawyer, Elizabeth B.

34 5 p.
3 Chemical sectioning fluorescence tomography: high-throughput, high-contrast, multicolor, whole-brain imaging at subcellular resolution Wang, Xiaojun

34 5 p.
4 Chromatin 3D interaction analysis of the STARD10 locus unveils FCHSD2 as a regulator of insulin secretion Hu, Ming

34 5 p.
5 Enhancement versus neutralization by SARS-CoV-2 antibodies from a convalescent donor associates with distinct epitopes on the RBD Zhou, Yunjiao

34 5 p.
6 Gamma frequency activation of inhibitory neurons in the acute phase after stroke attenuates vascular and behavioral dysfunction Balbi, Matilde

34 5 p.
7 Generation of functional conjunctival epithelium, including goblet cells, from human iPSCs Nomi, Kimihito

34 5 p.
8 Gαo is a major determinant of cAMP signaling in the pathophysiology of movement disorders Muntean, Brian S.

34 5 p.
9 Heat shock protein 90 co-chaperone modules fine-tune the antagonistic interaction between salicylic acid and auxin biosynthesis in cassava Wei, Yunxie

34 5 p.
10 Image luminance changes contrast sensitivity in visual cortex Rahimi-Nasrabadi, Hamed

34 5 p.
11 Interleukin-27 is essential for type 1 diabetes development and Sjögren syndrome-like inflammation Ciecko, Ashley E.

34 5 p.
12 Lipid molecular timeline profiling reveals diurnal crosstalk between the liver and circulation Sprenger, Richard R.

34 5 p.
13 LKB1 and AMPK instruct cone nuclear position to modify visual function Burger, Courtney A.

34 5 p.
14 MAPS integrates regulation of actin-targeting effector SteC into the virulence control network of Salmonella small RNA PinT Correia Santos, Sara

34 5 p.
15 MyD88 in myofibroblasts enhances colitis-associated tumorigenesis via promoting macrophage M2 polarization Yuan, Qi

34 5 p.
16 Neuronal representations of reward-predicting cues and outcome history with movement in the frontal cortex Kondo, Masashi

34 5 p.
17 NIX initiates mitochondrial fragmentation via DRP1 to drive epidermal differentiation Simpson, Cory L.

34 5 p.
18 Nα-terminal acetylation of proteins by NatA and NatB serves distinct physiological roles in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Friedrich, Ulrike Anne

34 5 p.
19 PDGFRb+ mesenchymal cells, but not NG2+ mural cells, contribute to cardiac fat Jiang, Zhen

34 5 p.
20 Predicting protein condensate formation using machine learning van Mierlo, Guido

34 5 p.
21 Rare variant burden analysis within enhancers identifies CAV1 as an ALS risk gene Cooper-Knock, Johnathan

34 5 p.
22 Semi-automated single-molecule microscopy screening of fast-dissociating specific antibodies directly from hybridoma cultures Miyoshi, Takushi

34 5 p.
23 Systematic analysis of purified astrocytes after SCI unveils Zeb2os function during astrogliosis Wei, Haichao

34 5 p.
24 The autism-related protein CHD8 contributes to the stemness and differentiation of mouse hematopoietic stem cells Nita, Akihiro

34 5 p.
25 The E protein-TCF1 axis controls γδ T cell development and effector fate Fahl, Shawn P.

34 5 p.
26 The ventral hippocampus CA3 is critical in regulating timing uncertainty in temporal decision-making Çavdaroğlu, Bilgehan

34 5 p.
27 TRPM4 mediates a subthreshold membrane potential oscillation in respiratory chemoreceptor neurons that drives pacemaker firing and breathing Li, Keyong

34 5 p.
28 Whole-genome characterization of lung adenocarcinomas lacking alterations in the RTK/RAS/RAF pathway Carrot-Zhang, Jian

34 5 p.
                             28 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland