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                             27 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adhesion strength and contractility enable metastatic cells to become adurotactic Yeoman, Benjamin

34 10 p.
2 Astrocyte-derived small extracellular vesicles promote synapse formation via fibulin-2-mediated TGF-β signaling Patel, Mikin R.

34 10 p.
3 Bacterial infection reinforces host metabolic flux from arginine to spermine for NLRP3 inflammasome evasion Jiang, Jiatiao

34 10 p.
4 Blockade of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase generates CD8+ effector T cells with enhanced anti-tumor function Daneshmandi, Saeed

34 10 p.
5 BOK controls apoptosis by Ca2+ transfer through ER-mitochondrial contact sites Carpio, Marcos A.

34 10 p.
6 Brainstem local microglia induce whisker map plasticity in the thalamus after peripheral nerve injury Ueta, Yoshifumi

34 10 p.
7 Functional cooperation between co-amplified genes promotes aggressive phenotypes of HER2-positive breast cancer Yang, Yongguang

34 10 p.
8 High-resolution structure of cas13b and biochemical characterization of RNA targeting and cleavage Slaymaker, Ian M.

34 10 p.
9 High-throughput multiparametric imaging flow cytometry: toward diffraction-limited sub-cellular detection and monitoring of sub-cellular processes Holzner, Gregor

34 10 p.
10 Human gastrointestinal epithelia of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum resolved at single-cell resolution Busslinger, Georg A.

34 10 p.
11 Identifying functional metabolic shifts in heart failure with the integration of omics data and a heart-specific, genome-scale model Dougherty, Bonnie V.

34 10 p.
12 Integrin β1 coordinates survival and morphogenesis of the embryonic lineage upon implantation and pluripotency transition Molè, Matteo Amitaba

34 10 p.
13 Itaconate confers tolerance to late NLRP3 inflammasome activation Bambouskova, Monika

34 10 p.
14 Jack-of-all-trades: itaconate tolerizes NLRP3 inflammasome activation Fischer, Natasha Lopes

34 10 p.
15 Male sex chromosomal complement exacerbates the pathogenicity of Th17 cells in a chronic model of central nervous system autoimmunity Doss, Prenitha Mercy Ignatius Arokia

34 10 p.
16 Most non-canonical proteins uniquely populate the proteome or immunopeptidome Ruiz Cuevas, Maria Virginia

34 10 p.
17 Multiple sclerosis risk gene Mertk is required for microglial activation and subsequent remyelination Shen, Kimberle

34 10 p.
18 Phenotypic characterization of Adig null mice suggests roles for adipogenin in the regulation of fat mass accrual and leptin secretion Alvarez-Guaita, Anna

34 10 p.
19 Phosphorylation state of the histone variant H2A.X controls human stem and progenitor cell fate decisions Orlando, Luca

34 10 p.
20 Polθ promotes the repair of 5′-DNA-protein crosslinks by microhomology-mediated end-joining Chandramouly, Gurushankar

34 10 p.
21 Primary cilia-dependent lipid raft/caveolin dynamics regulate adipogenesis Yamakawa, Daishi

34 10 p.
22 Proteomics reveals distinct mechanisms regulating the release of cytokines and alarmins during pyroptosis Phulphagar, Kshiti

34 10 p.
23 Regulation of translation by methylation multiplicity of 18S rRNA Liu, Kuanqing

34 10 p.
24 Single-cell transcriptome profiling reveals β cell maturation in stem cell-derived islets after transplantation Augsornworawat, Punn

34 10 p.
25 The M domain in UNC-13 regulates the probability of neurotransmitter release Liu, Haowen

34 10 p.
26 TRPS1 drives heterochromatic origin refiring and cancer genome evolution Yang, Jianguo

34 10 p.
27 Use of convalescent serum reduces severity of COVID-19 in nonhuman primates Cross, Robert W.

34 10 p.
                             27 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland