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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A gift from travel: The shift of gift-giving in the new mobilities paradigm Zhu, Dan

51 C p.
2 A multiwave study on tourist well-being: The role of attention restoration, psychological-need and social-sharing satisfaction Fan, Yulan

51 C p.
3 Chinese rural residents' identity construction with tourism intervention Wu, Zhicai

51 C p.
4 Co-creation of the tourist experience: A systematic assessment scale Deng, Yitong

51 C p.
5 Crisis-resistant tourism markets in the pandemic recovery: Evidence from the Confucius Temple Scenic Area Liu, Peixue

51 C p.
6 Does a higher responder level generate more traveller reviews? The moderating role of managerial response content Zhang, Ziqiong

51 C p.
7 Editorial Board
51 C p.
8 Exploring children's experiences on school field trips from children's perspectives Li, Zhiyong

51 C p.
9 Exploring the role of ethical experiences and psychological well-being in travel satisfaction: An animal welfare perspective in elephant-based tourism Lee, SoJung

51 C p.
10 Female perceptions of gender-themed exhibitions: An expectation-confirmation model approach Agyeiwaah, Elizabeth

51 C p.
11 Harms of inconsistency: The impact of user-generated and marketing-generated photos on hotel booking intentions Zhang, Shan

51 C p.
12 How authenticity in events fosters social sustainability: Towards an authenticity ecosystem and implications for destination management Le, Truc H.

51 C p.
13 Illusive Inclusion: Destination-marketing, managing Gay Pride events and the problem with cosmopolitan inclusivity Dixon, Laura

51 C p.
14 Incivility: How tourists cope with relative deprivation Pan, Li

51 C p.
15 Influencing wine tourists' decision-making with VR: The impact of immersive experiences on their behavioural intentions Sousa, Nuno

51 C p.
16 No care without justice: A normative ethical perspective of the employment of people with disabilities in hospitality businesses Mzembe, Andrew Ngawenja

51 C p.
17 Product purchase or gift-giving? An investigation of different viewer-streamer interaction strategies in tourism live streaming Fu, Shixuan

51 C p.
18 Smart destinations: A holistic view from researchers and managers to tourists and locals Cerdá-Mansilla, Elena

51 C p.
19 Social connections of tourism working holiday makers Spyriadis, Thanasis

51 C p.
20 Solo traveler typology based on personal value: Incorporating cluster analysis into means-end chain Zhang, Zhiwei

51 C p.
21 The impact of destination-brand social media content on consumer online brand-related activities (COBRAs) Grosso, Fernando Oscar

51 C p.
22 Transactional stress-coping configurations in nature-based tourism destinations Li, Peizhe

51 C p.
23 Using tourism intelligence and big data to explain flight searches for tourist destinations: The case of the Costa Blanca (Spain) Pereira-Moliner, Jorge

51 C p.
24 Visitors' and non-visitors' destination food images: How do they vary in Egypt? Mohamed, Mohamed E.

51 C p.
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland