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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Detection and management of inadvertent vascular access device implantation in the subclavian artery Coroleu Lletget, D.

61 6 p. 510-513
2 Evaluation of the applicability of BI-RADS® MRI for the interpretation of contrast-enhanced digital mammography Travieso-Aja, M.M.

61 6 p. 477-488
3 Evolution and trends in a pediatric cardiac magnetic resonance imaging program in a tertiary hospital over a 14-year period Marín Rodríguez, C.

61 6 p. 489-497
4 Is it useful ultrasonography as the first-line imaging technique in patients with suspected acute diverticulitis? Macía-Suárez, D.

61 6 p. 506-509
5 Multidetector computed tomography for facial trauma: Structured reports and key observations for a systematic approach Boscà-Ramon, A.

61 6 p. 439-452
6 Radiology of acute pancreatitis today: The Atlanta classification and the current role of imaging in its diagnosis and treatment Ortiz Morales, C.M.

61 6 p. 453-466
7 Sellar region: Magnetic resonance imaging assessment of uncommon tumors and pseudotumors Adri, D.

61 6 p. 467-476
8 The value of life-long learning and assessment for radiologists Jackson, Valerie P

61 6 p. 437-438
9 Tumour pseudoprogression during nivolumab immunotherapy for lung cancer Mayoral, M.

61 6 p. 498-505
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland