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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A challenge for medium and small pancreatic transplant groups: How can the learning curve from the retrieval team affect the pancreas graft thrombosis? Rocha-Santos, Vinicius

99 9 p. 700-701
2 Bariatric surgery and alcohol and substance abuse disorder: A systematic review Cerón-Solano, Giovanni

99 9 p. 635-647
3 Direct gallbladder indocyanine green injection technique to achieve critical view of safety in laparoscopic cholecystectomy Cárdenas, Gabriel

99 9 p. 678-682
4 Evisceration due to spontaneous rupture of umbilical hernia in adult Bolívar-Rodríguez, Martín Adrián

99 9 p. 687
5 Gallbladder metastasis from squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: Atypical presentation of airway metastasis Vivas López, Alfredo

99 9 p. 688-690
6 Hepatic parenchymal preservation surgery in liver trauma grade IV Rubio-García, Juan Jesús

99 9 p. 685
7 Iatrogenic pneumothorax after preoperative progressive pneumoperitoneum de la Fuente Añó, Alejandra

99 9 p. 693-694
8 Incidence and risk factors for de novo cholelithiasis after bariatric surgery Andrés-Imaz, Ainhoa

99 9 p. 648-654
9 Laparoscopic resection of duodenal GIST Vitiello, Giulia

99 9 p. 683
10 Liver transplantation for intermittent acute porphyria resistant to medical treatment Alcázar López, Cándido

99 9 p. 695-697
11 Management of cholelithiasis in times of COVID-19: A challenge for the system Prieto, Mikel

99 9 p. 699-700
12 Proctologic emergency consultation during COVID-19: Comparative cross-sectional cohort study Maqueda Gonzalez, Rocío

99 9 p. 660-665
13 Refractory hypoxemia in critical trauma patient. Usefulness of extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation Ballesteros, María A.

99 9 p. 690-692
14 Reply to the Letter «A challenge for medium and small pancreatic transplant groups: How can the learning curve from the retrieval team affect the pancreas graft thrombosis?» Argente-Pla, María

99 9 p. 702-703
15 Response to “Is percutaneous cholecystostomy in acute cholecystitis safe and effective? Analysis of the adverse effects associated with the technique” Rueda-Merchán, German Eduardo

99 9 p. 698-699
16 Results after 13 years of kidney-pancreas transplantation in type 1 diabetic patients in Comunidad Valenciana Argente-Pla, María

99 9 p. 666-677
17 Robotic abdominal wall surgery: Where is its most powerful potential? Muysoms, Filip

99 9 p. 627-628
18 ROBotic Utility for Surgical Treatment of hernias (ROBUST hernia project) Muysoms, Filip

99 9 p. 629-634
19 Stump appendicitis: An unusual and preventable entity after laparoscopic appendectomy Guzmán, Yoelimar

99 9 p. 684
20 Underestimation of invasive breast carcinoma in patients with initial diagnosis of ductal carcinoma in situ: Size matters Bouzón Alejandro, Alberto

99 9 p. 655-659
21 Vulvar Crohn’s disease; an inusual form of presentation Jeri-McFarlane, Sebastián

99 9 p. 686
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland