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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Cervical esophaguectomy plus tracheal resection and free jeyuno graft as treatment of esophageal granular cell tumor Miró, Mónica

99 2 p. 147-151
2 Chronic postoperative inguinal pain: A narrative review Medina Velázquez, Raúl

99 2 p. 80-88
3 Early-rectal Cancer Treatment: A Decision-tree Making Based on Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Aguirre-Allende, Ignacio

99 2 p. 89-107
4 ERAS protocol compliance impact on functional recovery in colorectal surgery Barbero, Macarena

99 2 p. 108-114
5 Giant abdominal mass as an incidental finding at 17 weeks of pregnancy Justo, Iago

99 2 p. 154
6 Intestinal perforation in patient with COVID-19 infection treated with tocilizumab and corticosteroids. Report of a clinical case Gonzálvez Guardiola, Paula

99 2 p. 156-157
7 Intraoperative radiotherapy in early breast cancer: Observational comparison with whole breast radiotherapy Oliver Guillén, José Ramón

99 2 p. 132-139
8 Local relapse of parathyroid adenomas: an uncommon cause of recurrent primary hyperparathyroidism Martínez Sanz, Nuria

99 2 p. 161-164
9 Neuroblastic tumors in adults Baeza Murcia, Melody

99 2 p. 159-161
10 Position statement of the Surgery-AEC-COVID Working Group of the Spanish Association of Surgeons on the Planning of Surgical Activity during the second wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: Surgery must continue Balibrea, José Ma.

99 2 p. 77-79
11 Prediction of post-idroidectomy hypocalcemia through rapid PTH determination Gutiérrez Fernández, Gonzalo

99 2 p. 115-123
12 Predictive factors of admission in outpatient laparoscopic surgery López-Torres López, Jaime

99 2 p. 140-146
13 Resection of submucosal lipoma in the prepyloric region by roboti surgery Pinillos Somalo, Ana

99 2 p. 152
14 Response to “Emphysematous cholecystitis in suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection” Gómez Sánchez, Javier

99 2 p. 167-168
15 Response to «National survey on the treatment of acute appendicitis in Spain during the initial period of the COVID-19 pandemic» Giménez Francés, Clara

99 2 p. 168-169
16 Retrorectal broncogenic cyst García-Romera, Ángel

99 2 p. 157-159
17 Right paraesophageal hiatus hernia associated with complete situs inversus Arias Pacheco, Rubén Darío

99 2 p. 155
18 Strangle rectal prolapse: Emergency perineal rectosigmoidectomy Allué Cabañuz, Marta

99 2 p. 164-166
19 The top 100. Review of the most cited articles on pancreas and laparoscopy Manuel-Vázquez, Alba

99 2 p. 124-131
20 The ureteroinguinal hernia: An infrequent condition to keep in mind Andres Imaz, Ainhoa

99 2 p. 153
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland