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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acute foreign body appendicitis Vila Tura, Marina

101 3 p. 215
2 Bodypacker’s syndrome de Ariño Hervás, Itziar

101 3 p. 213
3 Breast cancer and Poland’s syndrome de la Cruz Cuadrado, Cristina

101 3 p. 228-231
4 Evaluation of an enhanced recovery after lung surgery (ERALS) program in lung cancer lobectomy: An eight-year experience Matta, Manuel de la

101 3 p. 198-207
5 Immediate breast reconstruction by prepectoral polyurethane implant: Preliminary results of the prospective study PreQ-20 Acea Nebril, Benigno

101 3 p. 187-197
6 International cooperation for general surgeons: Results of the national survey about the implication and importance of the Spanish surgery in international cooperation Maestu Fonseca, Ainhoa Aixa

101 3 p. 226-228
7 Laparoscopic approach to accessory wandering spleen, an uncommon association Ferrer-Inaebnit, Ester

101 3 p. 217-218
8 OAGB as revisional surgery after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in a patient with hiatal hernia and intrathoracic stomach Ferrer-Márquez, Manuel

101 3 p. 216
9 Our experience in the short-term diagnostic-therapeutic management of the patient with anal dysplasia Galán Martínez, Clara

101 3 p. 180-186
10 Peer review: is it important? Targarona Soler, Eduardo M.

101 3 p. 219-221
11 Radio-guided procedure in minimally invasive surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism Blanco Saiz, Isabel

101 3 p. 152-159
12 Rectal syphilis Mansilla, Sofía

101 3 p. 214
13 Risk factors for complications in acute calculous cholecystitis. Deconstruction of the Tokyo Guidelines González-Castillo, Ana María

101 3 p. 170-179
14 Spanish version of the BREAST-Q® 2.0 questionnaire—breast reduction module—: Linguistic, cross-cultural adaptation and validation Martínez, Paula

101 3 p. 232-234
15 Surgical implications of multigenic testing during neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatment in high-risk women with breast cancer Sánchez Escudero, Laura

101 3 p. 224-226
16 Surveys in the health field in the digital age. Reality or fiction Ríos, Antonio

101 3 p. 149-151
17 Survival analysis and identification of prognostic factors in colorectal liver metastasis after liver resection Plúa-Muñiz, Katherine

101 3 p. 160-169
18 Thoracic kidney nephrectomy due to recurrent Bochdalek hernia in an adult Sanz del Pozo, Mónica

101 3 p. 208-212
19 What should I do if I want to publish a paper? Pulido, Marta

101 3 p. 222-223
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland