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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Additional activation of the AR gene may be involved in the development of the castration resistance phenotype in prostate cancer Romão, P.

46 2 p. 78-84
2 A novel model using computed tomography parameters to predict shock wave lithotripsy success in ureteral stones at different locations Akkaş, F.

46 2 p. 114-121
3 A 20-year experience in cadaveric pediatric en bloc kidney transplantation in adult recipients López-González, J.A.

46 2 p. 85-91
4 Clinical utility of the maximum area of detrusor tracing measurement in the urodynamic studies in pediatric population diagnosed with neuropathic bladder: A pilot study Costa-Roig, A.

46 2 p. 122-129
5 Evolution of renal function in patients with cT1 renal tumors after laparoscopic partial and radical nephrectomy. Predictive factors for renal function impairment Luis Cardo, A.

46 2 p. 63-69
6 Is Guy’s stone score useful for predicting outcomes in percutaneous nephrolithotomy? Lopez Silva, M.

46 2 p. 92-97
7 Multicenter study on multidisciplinary committees in advanced prostate cancer Belda-Ferre, M.

46 2 p. 106-113
8 Predictive factors for mortality and intensive care unit admission in patients with emphysematous pyelonephritis: 5-year experience in a tertiary care hospital Arrambide-Herrera, J.G.

46 2 p. 98-105
9 Primary urethral carcinoma: Results from a single center experience Calderón Cortez, J.F.

46 2 p. 70-77
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland