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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Comparative analysis of the expression of metalloproteases (MMP-2, MMP-9, MMP-11 and MMP-13) and the tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease 3 (TIMP-3) between previous negative biopsies and radical prostatectomies Medina-González, Antonio

44 2 p. 78-85
2 Effect of adjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced urothelial carcinoma of the bladder treated with cystectomy del Pozo Jiménez, G.

44 2 p. 94-102
3 Evaluation of laparoscopic approach in radical cystectomy from implementation to consolidation: Internal validation Subirá-Ríos, D.

44 2 p. 62-70
4 Health questionnaire analysis and development of satisfaction questionnaire for patients treated with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (SATISLIT) Hevia, M.

44 2 p. 103-110
5 Management of male anterior urethral strictures in adults. Results from a national survey among urologists in Spain Campos-Juanatey, F.

44 2 p. 71-77
6 Multiquadrant combined robotic radical prostatectomy and left partial nephrectomy: a combined procedure by a single approach Valero, R.

44 2 p. 119-124
7 Recurrence risk groups after nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma Polanco Pujol, L.

44 2 p. 111-118
8 The endless evolution of laparoscopic approach Hernández Fernández, C.

44 2 p. 59-61
9 The role of human papilloma virus test in men: First exhaustive review of literature Vives, A.

44 2 p. 86-93
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland