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                             49 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Abnormal Findings Detected by Multi-modality Breast Imaging and Biopsy Results in a High-risk Clinic Laitman, Yael

18 4 p. e695-e698
2 A European, Observational Study of Endocrine Therapy Administration in Patients With an Initial Diagnosis of Hormone Receptor-Positive Advanced Breast Cancer Bastiaannet, Esther

18 4 p. e613-e619
3 A Phase I Trial of the PI3K Inhibitor Buparlisib Combined With Capecitabine in Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer McRee, Autumn J.

18 4 p. 289-297
4 Application of ACOSOG Z1071: Effect of Results on Patient Care and Surgical Decision-Making Palmer, Jacquelyn A.V.

18 4 p. 270-275
5 Association Between Postoperative Complications After Immediate Alloplastic Breast Reconstruction and Oncologic Outcome Mousa, Madelyn

18 4 p. e699-e702
6 Association of Tobacco Use, Alcohol Consumption and HER2 Polymorphisms With Response to Trastuzumab in HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Patients Furrer, Daniela

18 4 p. e687-e694
7 Beyond BRCA: A Case Series Examining the Advent of Multigene Panel Testing Reap, Leo

18 4 p. e431-e439
8 Bilateral Breast Cancer After Multimodality Treatment: A Report of Clinical Outcomes in an Asian Population Wadasadawala, Tabassum

18 4 p. e727-e737
9 Breast Cancer Survivorship Care Variations Between Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens Leal, Alexis D.

18 4 p. e513-e520
10 Breast Osteoblast-like Cells: A Reliable Early Marker for Bone Metastases From Breast Cancer Scimeca, Manuel

18 4 p. e659-e669
11 Clinical Significance of the Wild Type p53-Induced Phosphatase 1 Expression in Invasive Breast Cancer Inoue, Yuka

18 4 p. e643-e650
12 Clinical Value of Real-Time Ultrasonography-MRI Fusion Imaging for Second-Look Examination in Preoperative Breast Cancer Patients: Additional Lesion Detection and Treatment Planning Park, Ah Young

18 4 p. 261-269
13 Corneal Changes in Trastuzumab Emtansine Treatment Kreps, Elke O.

18 4 p. e427-e429
14 Detection of Human Cytomegalovirus in Malignant and Benign Breast Tumors in Egyptian Women El Shazly, Dalia F.

18 4 p. e629-e642
15 Diagnostic Performance of Mammographic Texture Analysis in the Differential Diagnosis of Benign and Malignant Breast Tumors Li, Zhiming

18 4 p. e621-e627
16 Dietary Inflammatory Potential Score and Risk of Breast Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Zahedi, Hoda

18 4 p. e561-e570
17 Early Local Recurrence in a Patient With Encapsulated Papillary Carcinoma of the Breast Yee, Caitlin

18 4 p. e447-e448
18 Editorial Board
18 4 p. A1
19 Evaluation of miRNA-21 and miRNA Let-7 as Prognostic Markers in Patients With Breast Cancer Elghoroury, Eman A.

18 4 p. e721-e726
20 Evidence on Synthesized Two-dimensional Mammography Versus Digital Mammography When Using Tomosynthesis (Three-dimensional Mammography) for Population Breast Cancer Screening Houssami, Nehmat

18 4 p. 255-260.e1
21 Expanding Implementation of ACOSOG Z0011 in Surgeon Practice Weiss, Anna

18 4 p. 276-281
22 Expression Analysis of miR-29b in Malignant and Benign Breast Tumors: A Promising Prognostic Biomarker for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma With a Possible Histotype-Related Expression Status Papachristopoulou, Georgia

18 4 p. 305-312.e3
23 Income Inequality and Mortality Owing to Breast Cancer: Evidence From Brazil Figueiredo, Francisco Winter dos Santos

18 4 p. e651-e658
24 Influence of Biologic Subtype of Inflammatory Breast Cancer on Response to Neoadjuvant Therapy and Cancer Outcomes Hieken, Tina J.

18 4 p. e501-e506
25 Isolated Contralateral Axillary Lymph Node Involvement in Breast Cancer Represents a Locally Advanced Disease Not Distant Metastases Chkheidze, Rati

18 4 p. 298-304
26 Negative Valence Life Events Promote Breast Cancer Development Fischer, Avital

18 4 p. e521-e528
27 One-Step Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction With Dermal Matrix–Covered Implant Compared to Submuscular Implantation: Functional and Cost Evaluation Cattelani, Leonardo

18 4 p. e703-e711
28 Operative and Therapeutic Advancements in Breast Cancer Metastases to the Brain Jandial, Rahul

18 4 p. e455-e467
29 Phase II Trial of Bevacizumab Plus Weekly Paclitaxel, Carboplatin, and Metronomic Cyclophosphamide With or Without Trastuzumab and Endocrine Therapy as Preoperative Treatment of Inflammatory Breast Cancer Palazzo, Antonella

18 4 p. 328-335
30 Physical Activity and Weight Loss Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer: A Meta-analysis of 139 Prospective and Retrospective Studies Hardefeldt, Prue J.

18 4 p. e601-e612
31 Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma in Situ Diagnosed by Breast Core Biopsy: Clinicopathologic Features and Correlation With Subsequent Excision Guo, Tianhua

18 4 p. e449-e454
32 Prevention of Tamoxifen-related Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Breast Cancer Patients Chang, Hong-Tai

18 4 p. e677-e685
33 Radiofrequency Ablation of Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Study Ito, Toshikazu

18 4 p. e495-e500
34 Recent Advances and Future Directions in Postmastectomy Breast Reconstruction O'Halloran, Niamh

18 4 p. e571-e585
35 Refusal of Cancer-Directed Surgery by Breast Cancer Patients: Risk Factors and Survival Outcomes Gaitanidis, Apostolos

18 4 p. e469-e476
36 Review of Factors Influencing Women's Choice of Mastectomy Versus Breast Conserving Therapy in Early Stage Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review Gu, Jeffrey

18 4 p. e539-e554
37 Review of Novel Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Techniques in Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Ersoy, Yeliz Emine

18 4 p. e555-e559
38 Robot-Assisted Internal Mammary Lymph Node Chain Dissection for Breast Cancer Qingqing, He

18 4 p. e441-e445
39 Role of Age, Tumor Grade, and Radiation Therapy on Immediate Postmastectomy Breast Reconstruction Reddy, Karishma G.

18 4 p. 313-319
40 Role of BI-RADS Ultrasound Subcategories 4A to 4C in Predicting Breast Cancer Spinelli Varella, Miguel Angelo

18 4 p. e507-e511
41 Role of the Functional Polymorphism of Survivin Gene (-31G/C) and Risk of Breast Cancer in a North Indian Population Rasool, Ishrat

18 4 p. e671-e676
42 Successful Repatriation of Breast Cancer Surveillance for High-Risk Women to the UK National Health Service Breast Screening Programme McVeigh, Terri P.

18 4 p. 282-288
43 Table of Contents
18 4 p. A3-A4, A6, A8, A10-A13
44 The Challenge of Evaluating Adnexal Masses in Patients With Breast Cancer Reinert, Tomás

18 4 p. e587-e594
45 The Effect of Total Size of Lesions in Multifocal/Multicentric Breast Cancer on Survival Karakas, Yusuf

18 4 p. 320-327
46 The State of Surgical Axillary Management and Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Early-stage Invasive Breast Cancer in the Modern Era Mann, Justin M.

18 4 p. e477-e493
47 Treatment Patterns and Outcomes of Patients With Metastatic ER+/HER-2− Breast Cancer: A Multicountry Retrospective Medical Record Review Kurosky, Samantha K.

18 4 p. e529-e538
48 Tumor Resection Margin Definitions in Breast-Conserving Surgery: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Current Literature Brouwer de Koning, Susan G.

18 4 p. e595-e600
49 Tumor-Suppressing Effect of Silencing of Annexin A3 Expression in Breast Cancer Kim, Ju-Yeon

18 4 p. e713-e719
                             49 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland