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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comprehensive framework for landslide risk assessment of archaeological sites in Gujarat, India Kadapa, Haritha

27 1 p. 41-51
2 A machine learning-based method for multi-satellite SAR data integration Amr, Doha

27 1 p. 1-9
3 Analytical simulation and experimental validation of viscoplastic bending response of textile-reinforced composites for CubeSats Shafiei, Ehsan

27 1 p. 30-40
4 Analyzing coastal erosion and sedimentation using Sentinel-1 SAR change detection: An application on the Volta Delta, Ghana Di Biase, Valeria

27 1 p. 137-145
5 A novel GeoAI-based multidisciplinary model for SpatioTemporal Decision-Making of utility-scale wind–solar installations: To promote green infrastructure in Iraq Sachit, Mourtadha Sarhan

27 1 p. 120-136
6 Automatic error correction: Improving annotation quality for model optimization in oil-exploration related land disturbances mapping Cai, Yuwei

27 1 p. 108-119
7 Editorial Board
27 1 p. ii
8 Enhancing Zn-bearing gossans from GeoEye-1 and Landsat 8 OLI data for non-sulphide Zn deposit exploration Honarmand, Mehdi

27 1 p. 93-107
9 Evaluation of SMOS Sea Surface Salinity with Argo data along the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Pakistan Shafiq, Muhammad

27 1 p. 69-81
10 Feasibility study on Multiphysics H2-O2 combustion model for space debris removal system – NIRCSAT-X Abdelal, Gasser

27 1 p. 18-29
11 Land use/land cover (LULC) classification using deep-LSTM for hyperspectral images Tejasree, Ganji

27 1 p. 52-68
12 Multi-branch reverse attention semantic segmentation network for building extraction Jiang, Wenxiang

27 1 p. 10-17
13 Strategies for dimensionality reduction in hyperspectral remote sensing: A comprehensive overview Vaddi, Radhesyam

27 1 p. 82-92
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland