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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A 3D-convolutional neural network framework with ensemble learning techniques for multi-modal emotion recognition Salama, Elham S.

22 2 p. 167-176
2 Adopting security maturity model to the organizations’ capability model Al-Matari, Osamah M.M.

22 2 p. 193-199
3 AHKM: An improved class of hash based key management mechanism with combined solution for single hop and multi hop nodes in IoT Feroz Khan, A.B.

22 2 p. 119-124
4 A new evolutionary algorithm: Learner performance based behavior algorithm Rahman, Chnoor M.

22 2 p. 213-223
5 A new fusion of mutual information and Otsu multilevel thresholding technique for hyperspectral band selection Nandhini, K.

22 2 p. 133-143
6 Bi-parametric distance and similarity measures of picture fuzzy sets and their applications in medical diagnosis Khan, Muhammad Jabir

22 2 p. 201-212
7 Hybridized classification algorithms for data classification applications: A review Sherwani, F.

22 2 p. 185-192
8 IFC: Editorial
22 2 p. IFC
9 Local dynamic neighborhood based outlier detection approach and its framework for large-scale datasets Wang, Renmin

22 2 p. 125-132
10 Security and privacy of electronic health records: Concerns and challenges Keshta, Ismail

22 2 p. 177-183
11 The fuzzy common vulnerability scoring system (F-CVSS) based on a least squares approach with fuzzy logistic regression Gencer, Kerem

22 2 p. 145-153
12 Trajectory control and image encryption using affine transformation of lorenz system Sayed, Wafaa S.

22 2 p. 155-166
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland