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                             31 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Assessment of the toxicity effects of nicotine on sperm and IVF and the potential protective role of silymarin—an experimental study in mice Rahimi-Madiseh, Mohammad

25 1 artikel
2 Assisted reproductive technology and the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis Mohammadi, Maryam

25 1 artikel
3 Association between polymorphism in BMP15 and GDF9 genes and impairing female fecundity in diabetes type 2 Al-Thuwaini, Tahreer

25 1 artikel
4 Believing that transferring more embryos will result in increased pregnancy rates: a flawed concept: a SWOT analysis Dahan, Michael H.

25 1 artikel
5 Cognitive emotion regulation, anxiety, and depression in infertile women: a cross-sectional study Foroudifard, Fatemeh

25 1 artikel
6 Correction to: The role of diagnostic hysteroscopy in diagnosis of incomplete uterine septum/significant arcuate uterine anomaly in infertile patients in the era of transvaginal 3D ultrasound scan Abuzeid, O.

25 1 artikel
7 Demographic transition in Sultanate of Oman: emerging demographic dividend and challenges Islam, M. Mazharul

25 1 artikel
8 Effect of autologous platelet-rich plasma transfusion in the treatment of infertile women with thin endometrium and its implications in IVF cycles: a literature review Samy, Ahmed

25 1 artikel
9 Effect of paternal age on treatment outcomes in couples undergoing assisted reproductive technology for non-male factor infertility: a retrospective analysis of 809 cycles Joseph, Treasa

25 1 artikel
10 Effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) as luteal phase support in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles: a randomized controlled trial Saharkhiz, Nasrin

25 1 artikel
11 Effects of Stachys sylvatica hydroalcoholic extract on the ovary and hypophysis-gonadal axis in a rat with polycystic ovary syndrome Alizadeh, F.

25 1 artikel
12 Effects of vitamin D3 on the level of heat shock protein 70 and oxidative stress in human sperm: a pilot study Taheri Moghadam, Mahin

25 1 artikel
13 First live birth after uterus transplantation in the Middle East Akouri, Randa

25 1 artikel
14 FISH-based sperm aneuploidy screening in male partner of women with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss Pourfahraji Fakhrabadi, Marjan

25 1 artikel
15 Generation of viable blastocysts from discarded human cleavage embryos Taheri, Fatemeh

25 1 artikel
16 Imaging of endometrial osseous metaplasia—an uncommon but treatable cause of infertility Wani, Abdul Haseeb

25 1 artikel
17 Infertility within the Lebanese population: beliefs and realities Sahakian, Jean-Paul K. K.

25 1 artikel
18 IVF laboratory COVID-19 pandemic response plan: a roadmap Choucair, Fadi

25 1 artikel
19 Perceived risk and protective behaviors regarding COVID-19 among Iranian pregnant women Aghababaei, Soodabeh

25 1 artikel
20 Perceived stress, psychological distress and serum anti-Müllerian hormone levels among infertile and fertile women in North-central Nigeria Lawal, Oyinkansola Islamiyat

25 1 artikel
21 Practice recommendations for clinicians in ART centers in the context of COVID-19 pandemic: perspective of a developing country Farghaly, Tarek A.

25 1 artikel
22 Primordial follicle survival of goat ovarian tissue after vitrification and transplantation on chorioallanthoic membrane Widad, Shofwal

25 1 artikel
23 Probiotics and the envisaged role in treating human infertility Younis, Nagham

25 1 artikel
24 Relation of serum vitamin D level in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients to ICSI outcome Omran, Eman Fawzy

25 1 artikel
25 Sexual satisfaction and self-esteem in women with primary infertility Zayed, Abdelhady Abdelhady

25 1 artikel
26 Single blastocyst transfer yields similar pregnancy rates compared with multiple cleavage embryo transfer, with reduced twin rate, in patients with low number of fertilized oocytes Smeltzer, Stephanie

25 1 artikel
27 The association of gr/gr deletion in the Y chromosome and impaired spermatogenesis in Bulgarian males: a pilot study Levkova, Mariya

25 1 artikel
28 The impact of thyroid autoantibodies on the cycle outcome and embryo quality in women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection Tokgoz, Vehbi Yavuz

25 1 artikel
29 The prevalence of depression among Iranian infertile couples: an update systematic review and meta-analysis Alimohamadi, Yousef

25 1 artikel
30 The role of diagnostic hysteroscopy in diagnosis of incomplete uterine septum/significant arcuate uterine anomaly in infertile patients in the era of transvaginal 3D ultrasound scan Abuzeid, O.

25 1 artikel
31 Vitamin C supplementation during chronic variable stress exposure modulates contractile functions of testicular artery and sperm parameters in male Wistar rats Salami, Shakiru Ademola

25 1 artikel
                             31 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland