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tijdschrift |
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1 |
Changing minds, but not politics in Brezhnevs time
Nolte, Hans-Heinrich |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 122-130 9 p. |
artikel |
2 |
Changing Minds, but Not Politics in Brezhnevs Time
Nolte, Hans-Heinrich |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 122-130 |
artikel |
3 |
Editorial Board
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. IFC- 1 p. |
artikel |
4 |
How demand for security influence the shaping of foreign policy: Using the theory of securitisation to understand Armenia–Iran relations
Tüysüzoğlu, Göktürk |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 192-201 10 p. |
artikel |
5 |
How Demand for Security Influence the Shaping of Foreign Policy: Using the Theory of Securitisation to Understand Armenia–Iran Relations
Tüysüzoğlu, Göktürk |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 192-201 |
artikel |
6 |
May we have a say? Central Asian states in the UN General Assembly
Costa-Buranelli, Filippo |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 131-144 14 p. |
artikel |
7 |
May We Have a Say? Central Asian States in the Un General Assembly
Costa-Buranelli, Filippo |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 131-144 |
artikel |
8 |
Rise of new centres of power in Eurasia: Implications for Turkish foreign policy
Erşen, Emre |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 184-191 8 p. |
artikel |
9 |
Rise of New Centres of Power in Eurasia: Implications for Turkish Foreign Policy
Erşen, Emre |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 184-191 |
artikel |
10 |
Risky business: The political economy of Chinese investment in Kazakhstan
O'Neill, Daniel C. |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 145-156 12 p. |
artikel |
11 |
Risky Business: The Political Economy of Chinese Investment in Kazakhstan
O'Neill, Daniel C. |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 145-156 |
artikel |
12 |
The effect of fiscal policy on oil revenue fund: The case of Kazakhstan
Azhgaliyeva, Dina |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 157-183 27 p. |
artikel |
13 |
The Effect of Fiscal Policy on Oil Revenue Fund: The Case of Kazakhstan*
Azhgaliyeva, Dina |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 157-183 |
artikel |
14 |
Theory and practice of regional integration based on the EurAsEC model (Russian point of view)
Galiakberov, Adel |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 116-121 6 p. |
artikel |
15 |
Theory and Practice of Regional Integration Based on the Eurasec Model (Russian Point of View)
Galiakberov, Adel |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 116-121 |
artikel |
16 |
Ukraine and Russia: Legacies of the imperial past and competing memories
Kappeler, Andreas |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 107-115 9 p. |
artikel |
17 |
Ukraine and Russia: Legacies of the Imperial past and Competing Memories
Kappeler, Andreas |
2014 |
5 |
2 |
p. 107-115 |
artikel |