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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Carbon and water footprints of major crop production in India NAYAK, Amaresh Kumar

33 3 p. 448-462
2 Career opportunities in Institute of Soil Science, CAS, Nanjing, China
33 3 p. i
3 Changes in particulate and mineral-associated organic carbon with land use in contrasting soils YEASMIN, Sabina

33 3 p. 421-435
4 Chemical speciation of copper and manganese in solution of a copper-contaminated soil and young grapevine growth with amendment application FACCO, Daniela Basso

33 3 p. 496-507
5 Influence of pyrolysis temperature on rice straw biochar properties and corresponding effects on dynamic changes in bispyribac-sodium adsorption and leaching behavior in soil KAUR, Pervinder

33 3 p. 463-478
6 Integrated analysis of changes in soil microbiota and metabolites following long-term fertilization in a subtropical maize-wheat agroecosystem ZHAO, Guiru

33 3 p. 521-533
7 Multi-step ahead soil temperature forecasting at different depths based on meteorological data: Integrating resampling algorithms and machine learning models KHOSRAVI, Khabat

33 3 p. 479-495
8 Partial organic fertilizer substitution promotes soil multifunctionality by increasing microbial community diversity and complexity TANG, Quan

33 3 p. 407-420
9 Recent advances in the chemistry of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as fertilizers in soil: A review YAHAYA, Sharhabil Musa

33 3 p. 385-406
10 Soil bacterial communities under slash and burn in Mozambique as revealed by a metataxonomic approach SERRANI, Dominique

33 3 p. 508-520
11 Structural and chemical changes in pyrogenic organic matter aged in a boreal forest soil HYVĂ„LUOMA, Jari

33 3 p. 436-447
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland