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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Comparative analysis of planted and unplanted controls for assessment of rhizosphere priming effect LI, Jian

32 6 p. 884-892
2 Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and soil amendments to remediation of a heavy metal-contaminated soil using sweet sorghum WANG, Fayuan

32 6 p. 844-855
3 Effective alleviation of Cd stress to microbial communities in mining reclamation soils by thiourea-modified biochar amendment ZHU, Yanfeng

32 6 p. 866-875
4 Effect of indaziflam on microbial activity and nitrogen cycling processes in an orchard soil GONZÁLEZ-DELGADO, Amir M.

32 6 p. 803-811
5 Effect of Zn binding to phytate and humic substances on its uptake by wheat (Triticum durum L.) as affected by carbonates and Fe oxides GARCÍA-LÓPEZ, Ana M.

32 6 p. 823-832
6 Nitrogen slow-release behavior of oxamide granules in two different types of paddy soils LI, Xun

32 6 p. 856-865
7 Nutrient uptake, physiological responses and growth of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in soil under composite salt stress CUI, Jian

32 6 p. 893-904
8 Occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the estuarine sediments of the Taihu Lake and their associated toxic effects on aquatic organisms SUN, Tian

32 6 p. 833-843
9 Reduced tillage with residue retention improves soil labile carbon pools and carbon lability and management indices in a seven-year trial with wheat-mung bean-rice rotation BEGUM, Rafeza

32 6 p. 916-927
10 Soil texture affects the conversion factor of electrical conductivity from 1:5 soil-water to saturated paste extracts SEO, Bo-Seong

32 6 p. 905-915
11 Spectral indices measured with proximal sensing using canopy reflectance sensor, chlorophyll meter and leaf color chart for in-season grain yield prediction of basmati rice SINGH, VARINDERPAL

32 6 p. 812-822
12 Sugarcane bagasse amendment mitigates nutrient leaching from a mineral soil under tropical conditions XU, Nan

32 6 p. 876-883
13 Trade-off evaluation using carbon dioxide equivalent and hazard index of a paddy soil with application of organic liquid fertilizer RIYA, Shohei

32 6 p. 928-932
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland