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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Advances in fungal-assisted phytoremediation of heavy metals: A review KHALID, Muhammad

31 3 p. 475-495
2 Behavior and respiration responses of the earthworm Eisenia fetida to soil arsenite pollution WANG, Yali

31 3 p. 452-459
3 Biological weathering of phlogopite during enriched vermicomposting JAFARI, Fariba

31 3 p. 440-451
4 Community structure of Lumbricidae in beech woodland of the Bieszczady National Park, Southeast Poland MAZUR-PĄCZKA, Anna

31 3 p. 391-397
5 Earthworm biomass and population structure are negatively associated with changes in organic residue nitrogen concentration during vermicomposting ZHOU, Bo

31 3 p. 433-439
6 Earthworm community development in soils of a reclaimed steelworks BUTT, Kevin R.

31 3 p. 384-390
7 Earthworm contributions to soil nitrogen supply in corn-soybean agroecosystems in Quebec, Canada ABAIL, Zhor

31 3 p. 405-412
8 Earthworm functional groups are related to denitrifier activity in riparian soils CHEN, Chen

31 3 p. 413-422
9 Earthworm populations are stable in temperate agricultural soils receiving wood-based biochar WHALEN, Joann K.

31 3 p. 398-404
10 Earthworms in soil ecology and organic waste management LI, Yinsheng

31 3 p. 373-374
11 Field and laboratory investigations of Lumbricus badensis ecology and behaviour BUTT, Kevin R.

31 3 p. 471-474
12 Impacts of wetting-drying cycles on short-term carbon and nitrogen dynamics in Amynthas earthworm casts LAW, Michelle Man Suet

31 3 p. 423-432
13 Publication of a special issue on the developing strategies of soil science in the 14th Five-Year Plan of China in Acta Pedologica Sinica
31 3 p. 510
14 Soil properties, grassland management, and landscape diversity drive the assembly of earthworm communities in temperate grasslands HOEFFNER, Kevin

31 3 p. 375-383
15 Strategies to mitigate the adverse effect of drought stress on crop plants—influences of soil bacteria: A review CHANDRA, Priyanka

31 3 p. 496-509
16 Study of cadmium (Cd)-induced oxidative stress in Eisenia fetida based on mathematical modelling NING, Yucui

31 3 p. 460-470
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland