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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A low-cost lotus leaf-based carbon film for solar-driven steam generation Guo, Ming-xi

35 4 p. 436-443
2 A N-doped rice husk-based porous carbon as an electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction Shi, Jun

35 4 p. 401-409
3 CoMoO4-N-doped carbon hybrid nanoparticles loaded on a petroleum asphalt-based porous carbon for lithium storage Zhu, Yu-long

35 4 p. 358-370
4 Effects of the deposition temperature on the microwave-absorption performance of Fe/CNT composites Liu, Yuan

35 4 p. 428-435
5 High performance sulphur-doped pitch-based carbon materials as anode materials for sodium-ion batteries He, Lei

35 4 p. 420-427
6 Insights into the photocatalytic behavior of carbon-rich shungite-based WO3/TiO2 catalysts for enhanced dye and pharmaceutical degradation Balta, Zeynep

35 4 p. 371-383
7 Preparation and performance of electrochemical glucose sensors based on copper nanoparticles loaded on flexible graphite sheet Li, Ji-hui

35 4 p. 410-419
8 Preparation and physicochemical properties of nitrogen-doped graphene inks Hu, Ke-wen

35 4 p. 444-451
9 Preparation and visible-light driven photocatalytic activity of the rGO/TiO2/BiOI heterostructure for methyl orange degradation Jin, Yu-han

35 4 p. 394-400
10 Research progress on the use of micro/nano carbon materials for antibacterial dressings Liu, Yong

35 4 p. 323-335
11 Use of in-situ polymerization in the preparation of graphene / polymer nanocomposites Mao, He-nan

35 4 p. 336-343
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland