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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Clinical management and obstetric outcome in WFS1 Wolfram syndrome spectrum disorder: A case report and literature review Zhang, Kai

62 3 p. 440-443
2 Comparing the detection rate of postpartum diabetes in early and 4–12 week postpartum screening tests in women with gestational diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis Mousavi, Sanaz

62 3 p. 396-401
3 Comparison of clinical outcome between day 5 and day 6 single blastocyst transfers in cycles undergoing preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy Wu, Ting-Feng

62 3 p. 429-433
4 Effects of different timing selections of labor analgesia for primiparae on parturition and neonates Lv, Fa-Hui

62 3 p. 402-405
5 Factors associated with poorer childbirth outcomes in pregnant women diagnosed with placenta previa Lv, Yuqiong

62 3 p. 423-428
6 Fetal arrhythmias case series: Experiences from a fetal screening center in Taiwan Chih, Wan-Ling

62 3 p. 480-484
7 How big the excision for high-grade intraepithelial neoplasms of the cervix should be done? Lee, Na-Rong

62 3 p. 391-392
8 Instructions to Authors – BM1
62 3 p. e1-e7
9 Is mid-trimester cervical length screening effective for reduction of threatened preterm labor? Melchor Corcóstegui, Iñigo

62 3 p. 412-416
10 Low-level mosaic double trisomy involving trisomy 6 and trisomy 20 (48,XY,+6,+20) at amniocentesis without uniparental disomy (UPD) 6 and UPD 20 in a pregnancy associated with a favorable outcome Chen, Chih-Ping

62 3 p. 470-473
11 Low-level mosaic trisomy 9 at amniocentesis associated with a positive non-invasive prenatal testing for trisomy 9, maternal uniparental disomy 9, intrauterine growth restriction and a favorable fetal outcome in a pregnancy Chen, Chih-Ping

62 3 p. 457-460
12 Low-level mosaic trisomy 9 at amniocentesis in a pregnancy associated with a favorable fetal outcome, intrauterine growth restriction, cytogenetic discrepancy between cultured amniocytes and uncultured amniocytes and perinatal progressive decrease of the aneuploid cell line Chen, Chih-Ping

62 3 p. 461-465
13 Low-level mosaic trisomy 20 without uniparental disomy 20 at amniocentesis in a pregnancy associated with a favorable outcome, cytogenetic discrepancy between uncultured amniocytes and cultured amniocytes and perinatal progressive decrease of the aneuploid cell line Chen, Chih-Ping

62 3 p. 466-469
14 Mismatch repair protein deficiency in endometriosis: Precursor of endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer in women with lynch syndrome Yamaguchi, Munekage

62 3 p. 448-452
15 Molecular cytogenetic characterization of del(X)(p22.33)mat and de novo dup(4)(q34.3q35.2) in a male fetus with multiple anomalies of facial dysmorphism, ventriculomegaly, congenital heart defects, short long bones and clinodactyly Chen, Chih-Ping

62 3 p. 453-456
16 Mosaicism for trisomy 17 in a single colony at amniocentesis in a pregnancy associated with a favorable outcome Chen, Chih-Ping

62 3 p. 485-487
17 Prenatal diagnosis and molecular genetic analysis of recurrent trisomy 18 of maternal origin in two consecutive pregnancies Chen, Chih-Ping

62 3 p. 444-447
18 Primary spontaneous inguinal endometriosis: Two cases with emphasis on the diagnostic approach Chou, Ching-Wen

62 3 p. 474-479
19 Regulation of the cell cycle and P13K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway by phthalates in normal human breast cells Chen, Fang-Ping

62 3 p. 434-439
20 Risk factors for persistent stress urinary incontinence after pregnancy Liu, Chia-Hao

62 3 p. 389-390
21 Role of serum renalase levels in predicting the presence of metabolic syndrome in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome Ersak, Burak

62 3 p. 417-422
22 The prevalence and risk factors of postpartum depression among women during the early postpartum period: a retrospective secondary data analysis Tsai, Jung-Mei

62 3 p. 406-411
23 Uncertainty of outcomes in obese patients treated with transvaginal mesh Chang, Wen-Hsun

62 3 p. 393-395
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland