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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Attitudes Toward Medication Prescription Rights: A Survey of Chiropractic Students and Faculty at D'Youville College Emary, Peter C.

18 4 p. 286-298
2 Chiropractic Management of a Patient With Radial Nerve Entrapment Symptoms: A Case Study Jefferson-Falardeau, Justin

18 4 p. 327-334
3 Chronic High Hamstring Tendinopathy and Sacroiliac Segmental Dysfunction in a Mature Tae Kwon Do Athlete: A Case Study Moore, Angela

18 4 p. 317-320
4 Comparative Effectiveness of 2 Manual Therapy Techniques in the Management of Lumbar Radiculopathy: A Randomized Clinical Trial Bello, Bashir

18 4 p. 253-260
5 Correlation Between Habitual Physical Activity and Central Sensitization, Pain Intensity, Kinesiophobia, Catastrophizing, and the Severity of Myogenous Temporomandibular Disorder Kalatakis-dos-Santos, Artur Eduardo

18 4 p. 299-304
6 Correlation Between the Trajectory of the Center of Pressure and Thermography of Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy da Silva Alves, Ricardo

18 4 p. 278-285
7 Diagnostic Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Posttraumatic Osteolysis of the Distal Clavicle in a 24-Year-Old Bodybuilder: A Case Report With Correlative Radiographs and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fergus, Michael P.

18 4 p. 321-326
8 Editorial board
18 4 p. A1
9 Improved Performance After Gluteus Complex Activation in a CrossFit Athlete Presenting With Knee Pain Shaw, Trevor

18 4 p. 343-347
10 Management of Lumbar Radiculopathy Associated With an Extruded L4-L5 Spondylolytic Spondylolisthesis Using Flexion-Distraction Manipulation: A Case Study Kruse, Ralph A.

18 4 p. 311-316
11 Masthead
18 4 p. A2
12 Neural Arch Bone Marrow Edema and Spondylolysis in Adolescent Cheerleaders: A Case Series Ruff, Ashley N.

18 4 p. 335-342
13 Pain Tolerance: The Influence of Cold or Heat Therapy Vargas e Silva, Natalia C.O.

18 4 p. 261-269
14 Table of contents
18 4 p. A3-A4
15 The Clinical Use of Monolaurin as a Dietary Supplement: A Review of the Literature Barker, Lisa A.

18 4 p. 305-310
16 The Impact of Soft Tissue Techniques in the Management of Migraine Headache: A Randomized Controlled Trial Rezaeian, Tahere

18 4 p. 243-252
17 Validation of a Mathematical Procedure for the Cobb Angle Assessment Based on Photogrammetry Navarro, Isis Juliene Rodrigues Leite

18 4 p. 270-277
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland