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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Addressing the alternate hypothesis: Transfer and persistence of saliva beneath fingernails Matte, Melinda

63 4 p. 468-476
2 A quantitative assessment of the extent and distribution of textile fibre transfer to persons involved in physical assault Sheridan, Kelly J.

63 4 p. 509-516
3 Assessing the background levels of body fluids on hands Douglas, Hayley

63 4 p. 493-499
4 Augmented reality in forensics and forensic medicine – Current status and future prospects Golomingi, Raffael

63 4 p. 451-455
5 Background levels of body fluids and DNA on the shaft of the penis and associated underpants in the absence of sexual activity Taylor, A

63 4 p. 529-536
6 Bloodstain pattern analysis & Bayes: A case report Meijrink, Leon.

63 4 p. 551-561
7 BM2: Council Information
63 4 p. II
8 BM1: Events Guide
63 4 p. I
9 Evaluation of photometric stereo and elastomeric sensor imaging for the non-destructive 3D analysis of questioned documents – A pilot study Gould, Justin

63 4 p. 456-467
10 IFC: Editorial Board
63 4 p. IFC
11 Impinging blood droplets on different wettable surfaces: Impact phenomena, contact line motion, post-impact oscillation and dried stains Xiang, Shihan

63 4 p. 517-528
12 Investigation of the variability in the tool marks produced by modified blank firing pistols on fired 7.65 mm projectiles SARIBEY, Aylin YALÇIN

63 4 p. 542-550
13 Odor exposure and recall of a virtual reality crime scene: A preliminary study Sorokowska, Agnieszka

63 4 p. 537-541
14 Post-mortem interval estimation using miRNAs of road traffic accident cases: A forensic molecular approach Singh, Paurabhi

63 4 p. 485-492
15 Prelim 3: Contents
63 4 p. iii
16 Preparation of a low-cost fingerprint powder that harnesses white light to emit long-lived phosphorescence Hopkins, Scarlet L.

63 4 p. 500-508
17 Shoeprint image retrieval and crime scene shoeprint image linking by using convolutional neural network and normalized cross correlation Wen, Zhijian

63 4 p. 439-450
18 Students’ foundational understanding of chemical reaction in the forensic science bachelor’s degree program at the National Autonomous University of Mexico Elena Bravo-Gómez, María

63 4 p. 562-571
19 The relevance of false positive acid phosphatase reactions indicative of the presence of seminal fluid from oral and vaginal samples Allard, J.E.

63 4 p. 477-484
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland