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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A century of re-exploring CO2 capture solvents Brandl, Patrick

120 C p.
2 A screening assessment of the impact of sedimentological heterogeneity on CO2 migration and stratigraphic-baffling potential: Johansen and Cook formations, Northern Lights project, offshore Norway Jackson, William A.

120 C p.
3 Capability of elastic-wave imaging for monitoring conformance and containment in geologic carbon storage Feng, Zongcai

120 C p.
4 Carbon capture, utilisation and storage: Incentives, effects and policy Cabrera, Giorgio

120 C p.
5 Carbon dioxide capture through reaction with potassium hydroxide and reject brine: A kinetics study Mourad, Aya A-H.

120 C p.
6 CO2 and NOx reactions with CO2 storage reservoir core: NOx dissolution products and mineral reactions Turner, Luc G.

120 C p.
7 Deep learning-accelerated 3D carbon storage reservoir pressure forecasting based on data assimilation using surface displacement from InSAR Tang, Hewei

120 C p.
8 Development of an innovative process for post-combustion CO2 capture to produce high-value NaHCO3 nanomaterials Wang, Rui

120 C p.
9 Editorial Board
120 C p.
10 Enhancing the realism of decarbonisation scenarios with practicable regional constraints on CO2 storage capacity Grant, Neil

120 C p.
11 Flue gas injection into depleted tight hydrocarbon reservoirs in the context of global warming mitigation: Computed evolution of some reservoir parameters Myagkiy, Andrey

120 C p.
12 Global sensitivity analysis of CO2 storage in fractured aquifers via computer experiments Wang, Xiao

120 C p.
13 Impact of microbial-rock-CO2 interactions on containment and storage security of supercritical CO2 in carbonates Kolawole, Oladoyin

120 C p.
14 Investigation of solubility trapping mechanism during geologic CO2 sequestration in Deccan Volcanic Provinces, Saurashtra, Gujarat, India Punnam, Pradeep Reddy

120 C p.
15 Performance evaluation of gas fraction vacuum pressure swing adsorption for CO2 capture and utilization process Shigaki, Nobuyuki

120 C p.
16 Polyvinyl alcohol membrane incorporated with amine-modified silica nanoparticles and ionic liquid for facilitated transport of CO2 Hong, Chia-Huey

120 C p.
17 Precipitation behavior, density, viscosity, and CO2 absorption capacity of highly concentrated ternary AMP-PZ-MEA solvents Apaiyakul, Rattanaporn

120 C p.
18 Profitability and the use of flexible CO2 capture and storage (CCS) in the transition to decarbonized electricity systems Singh, Surinder P.

120 C p.
19 Shape design and safety evaluation of salt caverns for CO2 storage in northeast Thailand Pajonpai, Narumas

120 C p.
20 The case for global regulation of carbon capture and storage and artificial intelligence for climate change Qerimi, Qerim

120 C p.
21 The effect of original and initial saturation on residual nonwetting phase capillary trapping efficiency Kimbrel, Elizabeth J.H.

120 C p.
22 Thermal and kinetic analysis of pressurized oxy-fuel combustion of pulverized coal: An interpretation of combustion mechanism Yan, Jiqing

120 C p.
23 The role and value of inter-seasonal grid-scale energy storage in net zero electricity systems Ganzer, Caroline

120 C p.
24 The subsurface carbonation potential of basaltic rocks from the Jizan region of Southwest Saudi Arabia Oelkers, Eric H.

120 C p.
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland