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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acute ischemia of the upper and lower limbs: Tailoring the treatment to the underlying etiology Ferrer, Ciro

36 2 p. 211-223
2 Acute management of mesenteric emergencies: Tailoring the solution to the problem Treffalls, Rebecca N.

36 2 p. 234-249
3 Acute perioperative complications after arterial and venous femoral access in major vascular and cardiac procedures: Ischemic or hemorrhagic patterns and how to solve them Mezzetto, Luca

36 2 p. 319-327
4 Acute problems of hemodialysis access: Thrombosis, aneurysms, symptomatic high-flow fistulas, and complications related to central lines Franchin, Marco

36 2 p. 300-306
5 Acute venous problems: Integrating medical, surgical, and interventional treatments Bissacco, Daniele

36 2 p. 307-318
6 Contemporary multimodal approach to diagnosis and treatment of vascular graft and endograft infections Jepsen, Lau Røge

36 2 p. 202-210
7 Descending thoracic aortic emergencies: Past, present, and future Habib, Mohammed

36 2 p. 139-149
8 Diagnosis and management of acute conditions of the extracranial carotid artery Pini, Rodolfo

36 2 p. 130-138
9 Editorial D'Oria, Mario

36 2 p. 129
10 Emergencies during oncovascular surgery: Strategies and pitfalls Vikatmaa, Pirkka

36 2 p. 157-162
11 Emergency vascular surgical care in populations with unique physiologic characteristics: Pediatric, pregnant, and frail populations Warner, David

36 2 p. 340-354
12 Emergent endovascular treatment options for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm Grandi, Alessandro

36 2 p. 174-188
13 Emergent management of diabetic foot problems in the modern era: Improving outcomes Troisi, Nicola

36 2 p. 224-233
14 Emergent vessel embolization for major traumatic and non-traumatic hemorrhage: Indications, tools and outcomes Hörer, Tal M.

36 2 p. 283-299
15 Intraoperative complications during standard and complex endovascular aortic repair Sulzer, Titia

36 2 p. 189-201
16 Major vascular traumas to the neck, upper limbs, and chest: Clinical presentation, diagnostic approach, and management strategies Badalamenti, Giovanni

36 2 p. 258-267
17 Recent advances and the future of abdominopelvic and lower extremity vascular injury management Kabeil, Mahmood

36 2 p. 268-282
18 Resuscitative balloon occlusion of the aorta in the modern era: Expanding indications, optimal techniques, unresolved issues, and current results Shaw, Joanna

36 2 p. 250-257
19 Ruptured abdominal aorto-iliac aneurysms: Diagnosis, treatment, abdominal compartment syndrome, and role of simulation-based training Menges, Anna-Leonie

36 2 p. 163-173
20 Severe local wound infections after vascular exposure in the groin and other body areas: Prevention, treatment and prognosis Minucci, Marta

36 2 p. 328-339
21 The anesthesiologist's perspective on emergency aortic surgery: Preoperative optimization, intraoperative management, and postoperative surveillance Nisi, Fulvio

36 2 p. 363-379
22 The role of big data, risk prediction, simulation, and centralization for emergency vascular problems: Lessons learned and future directions Scali, Salvatore T.

36 2 p. 380-391
23 The role of multimodal imaging in emergency vascular conditions: The journey from diagnosis to hybrid operating rooms Colacchio, Elda Chiara

36 2 p. 355-362
24 Thoracic aortic emergencies involving the aortic arch: An integrated cardiovascular surgical treatment approach Walter, Tim

36 2 p. 150-156
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland