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                             25 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Abdominal tumors in patients with neurofibromatosis type I: Genotype-phenotype relationships Matas-Nadal, C.

65 11 p.
2 Abnormal course of the corticospinal tracts in KIF5C-related encephalopathy Naim, Alessandro

65 11 p.
3 A de novo BCL11B variant case manifesting with dystonic movement disorder regarding the article “BCL11B-related disorder in two canadian children: Expanding the clinical phenotype (Prasad et al., 2020).” Harrer, Philip

65 11 p.
4 A novel homozygous mutation in ERLIN1 gene causing spastic paraplegia 62 and literature review Zhu, Ze-yu

65 11 p.
5 A novel homozygous variant in homologous recombination repair gene ZSWIM7 causes azoospermia in males and primary ovarian insufficiency in females Hussain, Shah

65 11 p.
6 An unusual familial Xp22.12 microduplication including EIF1AX: A novel candidate dosage-sensitive gene for premature ovarian insufficiency Sakka, Rim

65 11 p.
7 AP4B1-associated hereditary spastic paraplegia: Expansion of clinico-genetic phenotype and geographic range Salayev, Kamran

65 11 p.
8 Associated anomalies in cases with achondroplasia Stoll, Claude

65 11 p.
9 “Cancer in ARID1A-Coffin-Siris syndrome: Review and report of a child with hepatoblastoma” Cárcamo, Benjamín

65 11 p.
10 Challenges of preconception genetic testing in France: A qualitative study Hoarau, Eugénie

65 11 p.
11 Clinical report: Chronic liver dysfunction in an individual with an AMOTL1 variant Kirino, Shizuka

65 11 p.
12 C20orf24: A potential novel gene responsible for Cerebrofaciothoracic Dysplasia Isik, Esra

65 11 p.
13 COVID-19 in Unvaccinated patients with inherited metabolic disorders: A single center experience Altassan, Ruqaiah

65 11 p.
14 Detailed prenatal and postnatal MRI findings and clinical analysis of RAF1 in Noonan syndrome Helenius, Kjell

65 11 p.
15 Early Onset Marfan Syndrome with multivalvular insufficiency: Report from a tertiary hospital in Tanzania, and a review of the recurrent c.7606G>A p.0 variant in FBN1 Mbwasi, Ronald M.

65 11 p.
16 Editorial Board
65 11 p.
17 Expanding the clinical spectrum of SOX18-related Hypotrichosis-lymphedema-telangiectasia-renal defect syndrome Dailey, Christina

65 11 p.
18 Expanding the pre- and postnatal phenotype of WASHC5 and CCDC22 -related Ritscher-Schinzel syndromes Neri, Sabrina

65 11 p.
19 Low-level complex mosaic with multiple cell lines affecting the 18q21.31q21.32 region in a patient with de novo 18q terminal deletion Bonaglia, Maria Clara

65 11 p.
20 LSM1 is the new candidate gene for neurodevelopmental disorder Kok Kilic, Gizem

65 11 p.
21 Molecular genetic characterization of Congolese patients with oculocutaneous albinism Mavinga, Laetitia Mpola

65 11 p.
22 Severe coarctation of the aorta, developmental delay, and multiple dysmorphic features in a child with SMAD6 and SMARCA4 variants Caengprasath, Natarin

65 11 p.
23 Succesful MEK-inhibition of severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in RIT1-related Noonan Syndrome Leegaard, Anne

65 11 p.
24 The place of general practitioner in the management of patients with rare disease and intellectual disability: A qualitative study Roux-Levy, Pierre-Henri

65 11 p.
25 TRIT1 deficiency: Two novel patients with four novel variants Smol, Thomas

65 11 p.
                             25 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland