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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Agrp-negative arcuate NPY neurons drive feeding under positive energy balance via altering leptin responsiveness in POMC neurons Qi, Yue

35 6 p. 979-995.e7
2 Cancer-cell-derived fumarate suppresses the anti-tumor capacity of CD8+ T cells in the tumor microenvironment Cheng, Jie

35 6 p. 961-978.e10
3 Di-methylation of CD147-K234 Promotes the Progression of NSCLC by Enhancing Lactate Export Wang, Ke

35 6 p. 1084
4 Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase is a nonenzymatic safety valve that curtails AKT activation to prevent insulin hyperresponsiveness Gu, Li

35 6 p. 1009-1021.e9
5 Fumarate disarms CD8+ T cells against cancer Nezi, Luigi

35 6 p. 907-909
6 Integrative genetic analysis identifies FLVCR1 as a plasma-membrane choline transporter in mammals Kenny, Timothy C.

35 6 p. 1057-1071.e12
7 Lactobacillus plantarum-derived indole-3-lactic acid ameliorates colorectal tumorigenesis via epigenetic regulation of CD8+ T cell immunity Zhang, Qingqing

35 6 p. 943-960.e9
8 Organelle-selective click labeling coupled with flow cytometry allows pooled CRISPR screening of genes involved in phosphatidylcholine metabolism Tsuchiya, Masaki

35 6 p. 1072-1083.e9
9 Pyruvate-supported flux through medium-chain ketothiolase promotes mitochondrial lipid tolerance in cardiac and skeletal muscles Koves, Timothy R.

35 6 p. 1038-1056.e8
10 Selenium mediates exercise-induced adult neurogenesis and reverses learning deficits induced by hippocampal injury and aging Leiter, Odette

35 6 p. 1085
11 Sustained alternate-day fasting potentiates doxorubicin cardiotoxicity Ozcan, Mualla

35 6 p. 928-942.e4
12 Sustained remission of type 2 diabetes in rodents by centrally administered fibroblast growth factor 4 Sun, Hongbin

35 6 p. 1022-1037.e6
13 The cellular supply-side economics for phospholipids Kuk, Alvin C.Y.

35 6 p. 909-911
14 The mitochondrial unfolded protein response regulates hippocampal neural stem cell aging Wang, Chih-Ling

35 6 p. 996-1008.e7
15 Thymidine kinase 1 drives hepatocellular carcinoma in enzyme-dependent and -independent manners Li, Qing

35 6 p. 912-927.e7
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland