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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A purine metabolic checkpoint that prevents autoimmunity and autoinflammation Saveljeva, Svetlana

34 1 p. 106-124.e10
2 Cysteine 253 of UCP1 regulates energy expenditure and sex-dependent adipose tissue inflammation Mills, Evanna L.

34 1 p. 140-157.e8
3 Effects on weight loss and glycemic control with SAR441255, a potent unimolecular peptide GLP-1/GIP/GCG receptor triagonist Bossart, Martin

34 1 p. 59-74.e10
4 Emerging targetome and signalome landscape of gut microbial metabolites Zheng, Xiao

34 1 p. 35-58
5 FGF1 and insulin control lipolysis by convergent pathways Sancar, Gencer

34 1 p. 171-183.e6
6 GLP-1/GIP/glucagon receptor triagonism gets its try in humans Finan, Brian

34 1 p. 3-4
7 Metabolic diversity within breast cancer brain-tropic cells determines metastatic fitness Parida, Pravat Kumar

34 1 p. 90-105.e7
8 Metabolite discovery: Biochemistry’s scientific driver Giera, Martin

34 1 p. 21-34
9 More than meets the eye: The metabolic state of the body shapes visual sensations Carlsen, Eva Maria Meier

34 1 p. 9-10
10 Palmitic acid: Enabling the tumor’s nerves Alkan, H. Furkan

34 1 p. 7-9
11 Replication of SARS-CoV-2 in adipose tissue determines organ and systemic lipid metabolism in hamsters and humans Zickler, Martin

34 1 p. 1-2
12 Senescent immune cells release grancalcin to promote skeletal aging Li, Chang-Jun

34 1 p. 184-185
13 STING orchestrates the crosstalk between polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism and inflammatory responses Vila, Isabelle K.

34 1 p. 125-139.e8
14 Targeting p21 Cip1 highly expressing cells in adipose tissue alleviates insulin resistance in obesity Wang, Lichao

34 1 p. 75-89.e8
15 Targeting p21 Cip1 highly expressing cells in adipose tissue alleviates insulin resistance in obesity Wang, Lichao

34 1 p. 186
16 Targeting p21 for diabetes: Another choice of senotherapy Kondoh, Hiroshi

34 1 p. 5-7
17 TOX4, an insulin receptor-independent regulator of hepatic glucose production, is activated in diabetic liver Wang, Liheng

34 1 p. 158-170.e5
18 Why does obesity cause diabetes? Klein, Samuel

34 1 p. 11-20
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland