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                             9 results found
no title author magazine year volume issue page(s) type
1 Counseling for the option of termination of pregnancy for severe fetal anomalies in light of the recent Supreme Court ruling to remove the constitutional right to an abortion Grünebaum, Amos

28 3 p.
2 Decision-making for extremely preterm infants with severe hemorrhages on head ultrasound: Science, values, and communication skills Chevallier, M.

28 3 p.
3 Editorial Board
28 3 p.
4 Editorial: Palliative and end of life care in the NICU issue I Mercurio, Mark R.

28 3 p.
5 Ethics at the end of life in the newborn intensive care unit: Conversations and decisions Mercurio, Mark R.

28 3 p.
6 Maternal-fetal surgery as part of pediatric palliative care De Bie, Felix R.

28 3 p.
7 Neonatal euthanasia in the context of palliative and EoL care Verhagen, A.A. Eduard

28 3 p.
8 Neurological conditions: Prognostic communication, shared decision making, and symptom management Peralta, Dana

28 3 p.
9 Paediatric palliative care in the NICU: A new era of integration Bertaud, Sophie

28 3 p.
                             9 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands