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                             42 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Model for Collaboration: Sudden Death Pathway Thompson, T.

31 S1 p. S19-S20
2 Analysis of Athlete QT Intervals by Age: Fridericia and Hodges Heart Rate Correction Methods Outperform the Bazett's Method for Athlete ECG Screening Orchard, J.

31 S1 p. S15
3 A Young Patient With a Cardiomyopathy Caused by Mutations in the TAF1A Gene? Helderman-van den Enden, A.

31 S1 p. S8
4 Bioinformatic Re-analysis of Data From the Australian Genomics Cardiovascular Genetic Disorders Flagship Chang, Y.

31 S1 p. S6
5 Brugada Syndrome in New Zealand: The Experience of the National Cardiac Inherited Disease Group Gelbart, D.

31 S1 p. S7
6 Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (CPVT) – The paediatric experience in New South Wales (NSW) Fitzgerald, N.

31 S1 p. S7
7 Comparison of Methods for Correcting QT Interval in Athletes and Young People: A Systematic Literature Review Mahendran, S.

31 S1 p. S13
8 Contribution and Functional Characterisation of Splice-Disrupting Variants in Inherited Heart Disease and Sudden Cardiac Death Singer, E.

31 S1 p. S2
9 COPESCD — An Online Community Supporting Families After Sudden Cardiac Death in the Young: A Protocol for a Pilot Study Yeates, L.

31 S1 p. S20
10 Diagnostic Yield of Panel Genetic Testing in a Cohort of >200 Patients With Congenital Heart Disease Zilliacus, E.

31 S1 p. S21
11 Disproportionate Elevations of Cardiac Troponin in Fabry Disease: A Case Series of False Positives due to Macrotroponin Moussa, Y.

31 S1 p. S15
12 Efficient CRISPR-editing of Pluripotent Stem Cells for Modelling CPVT in Human Cardiac Organoids Pocock, M.

31 S1 p. S16
13 Embedding Genetic Counselling Into Cardiology Clinics: Case Studies From a Queensland Cardiology Genomics Service Rutstein, A.

31 S1 p. S18
14 End Unexplained Cardiac Death (EndUCD) NSW Registry: A Data Linkage Cohort Study Protocol Leslie, F.

31 S1 p. S11
15 Evaluating the Clinical Utility of Polygenic Risk Score for Heart Failure Mo, X.

31 S1 p. S1-S2
16 Further Characterisation of the Cardiac Desminopathy Phenotype Mahmoodi, E.

31 S1 p. S13
17 Genetic Basis of Childhood Cardiomyopathy Bagnall, R.

31 S1 p. S2-S3
18 Genetic Testing for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Diagnostic Yield and Findings From a Cohort of Patients Referred for Targeted Panel Testing Hathaway, J.

31 S1 p. S8
19 Genetic Testing Outcomes in a Cohort of 21,159 Children With Heart Disease Schonrock, N.

31 S1 p. S18-S19
20 Getting to the Heart of Genomics: Mainstreaming Cardiology Genomics in Queensland Baldini, M.

31 S1 p. S3
21 Longitudinal CMR Assessment of Structural Phenotype in Brugada Syndrome Isbister, J.

31 S1 p. S9-S10
22 miR-151-3p and miR-214 Expression Associate With Clinical Phenotypes in BAV Aortopathy Portelli, S.

31 S1 p. S16
23 NSW HEARTS: The NSW Inherited Cardiomyopathy Cohort Study protocol Butters, A.

31 S1 p. S4
24 Outcomes of Clinical Genetic Testing in Congenital Heart Disease – A Single-Site Audit Study Morrish, A.

31 S1 p. S14
25 Patching the Gap Between Variant Identification and Risk Stratification for SCN5A-Associated Cardiac Diseases Ma, J.

31 S1 p. S12-S13
26 Population Genomic Screening of Young Adults for Familial Hypercholesterolaemia: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Lacaze, P.

31 S1 p. S1
27 Practise Changing Research – Adding DNAH11 to a Congenital Heart Disease Panel Thompson, T.

31 S1 p. S19
28 Precision Medicine Opportunities for Familial Arrhythmias and Cardiomyopathies Identified When Cost of Genetic Testing is Removed as a Barrier Schonrock, N.

31 S1 p. S19
29 Prevalence of Mitochondrial Genome Variants in an Inherited Heart Disease Cohort Crowe, J.

31 S1 p. S6-S7
30 Reclassifying a LAMP2 Splicing Variant of Uncertain Significance to Pathogenic Following Familial Segregation and Functional RNA Diagnostics Horton, A.

31 S1 p. S9
31 Recurrent GJA1 Mutation Causing Infantile Arrhythmic Cardiomyopathy Fills Gap in Knowledge of the Junction Ronan, A.

31 S1 p. S17
32 Sex Disaggregated Analysis of Risk Factors for Adverse Outcomes in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Butters, A.

31 S1 p. S5
33 Slow Conduction Velocity Revealed in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Modelled With Patient-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Cardiomyocytes Lim, S.

31 S1 p. S11-S12
34 Tango 2 Case Series: Cardiac Manifestations Jardine, K.

31 S1 p. S10
35 The Congenital Heart Disease Genetics Clinic: Evolving the Model of Care Morrish, A.

31 S1 p. S14
36 The Elusive Hearts Study: Seeking Genetic Diagnoses in Gene-elusive Cases of Rare Monogenic Cardiovascular Diseases Richardson, E.

31 S1 p. S17
37 The Introduction and Development of a Genetic Counsellor-led Cardiac Genetics Service in a Metropolitan Hospital Chalinor, H.

31 S1 p. S5-S6
38 The Role of Genetic Testing in Diagnosis and Care of Inherited Cardiac Conditions in a Specialised Multidisciplinary Clinic Krishnan, N.

31 S1 p. S10-S11
39 This abstract has been withdrawn
31 S1 p. S15
40 Troponin I Autoantibodies in a Patient with Desmoplakin Cardiomyopathy/Myocarditis Overlap Syndrome Rowe, S.

31 S1 p. S17-S18
41 Use of Advanced Echocardiographic Modalities to Discriminate Preclinical Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Mutation Carriers From Non-Carriers Lo, A.

31 S1 p. S12
42 Victorian Inherited Cardiac Disorders Family Initiative (VicDFI)—Creating a Shared Cardiac Clinical Database Across the Life Spectrum Zentner, D.

31 S1 p. S20-S21
                             42 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland