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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ambiol Modulates the Functional Characteristics of Pea Seedlings Mitochondria Zhigacheva, I. V.

69 2 p. 231-236
2 An X-Ray Diffraction Study of Lipid Films with ICHPHAN Krivandin, A. V.

69 2 p. 225-230
3 A Study of the Effect of Sodium-μ2-Dithiosulphate-Tetranitrosyl Diferrate Tetrahydrate on the Structure of Mitochondrial Membranes Isolated from Epicotyls of Pea Seedlings Gerasimov, N. Yu.

69 2 p. 245-251
4 A Study of the Physiological Role of the Spectral Composition of Daily Light Exposure in the Development of Childhood Myopia Trofimova, N. N.

69 2 p. 320-324
5 A Study of the Survival of Tumor A549 Cells upon Proton Beam Irradiation in Flash and Standard Modes Rzyanina, A. V.

69 2 p. 285-291
6 Biophysical Methods for Testing Nanomaterials for Biomedical and Ecotoxicological Purposes Using Daphnia magna as a Model Organism Savina, N. B.

69 2 p. 314-319
7 Computer Simulation of Short DNA Fragments Induced by High-LET Charged Particles Eidelman, Y. A.

69 2 p. 201-208
8 Gold and Silver Compounds as Potential Antitumor Drugs Ostrovskaya, L. A.

69 2 p. 333-344
9 Hydrogen Sulfide Caused a Modification in the Structure of Mitochondrial Membranes of Epicotyls of Pea Pisum sativum L. Seedlings under Water Stress Gerasimov, N. Yu.

69 2 p. 237-244
10 On the Role of Priming in the Development of Modern Rehabilitation Technologies Fedotchev, A. I.

69 2 p. 345-348
11 Pharmacological Blockade of High Threshold L-Type Calcium Channels in Cardiomyocytes Restores Respiratory Chain Activity Impaired by Vibration Vorobieva, V. V.

69 2 p. 261-266
12 Preservation of Hypotensive Activity in Freeze-Dried Drugs of Dinitrozyl Iron Complexes with Glutathione (Oxacom) Stored for 15 Years at Room Temperature Vanin, A. F.

69 2 p. 299-305
13 Prevention of Mitochondrial Dysfunction with 2-Ethyl-6-Methyl-3-Hydroxypyridine Carnitinate Zhigacheva, I. V.

69 2 p. 252-260
14 Reductive Nitrosylation of Hemoglobin and Myoglobin and its Antioxidant Effect Shumaev, K. B.

69 2 p. 195-200
15 Supercomputer Simulation of Intramolecular Oscillations of Glycine, Diphenylalanine, and Tryptophan in an Electric Field of the Terahertz and Infrared Ranges Baranov, M. A.

69 2 p. 179-194
16 The Antimicrobial Activity of Metabolite Complexes of Lactobacilli against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Kishilova, S. A.

69 2 p. 278-284
17 The Combined Effects of Electrochemical and Ultrasonic Treatment for Water Purification from Pathogenic Contaminants Based on the Example of Escherichia coli Bibikov, S. B.

69 2 p. 272-277
18 The Distribution of the GC Content in the Spatial Structure of the Fragments of Mitochondrial, Chloroplast, and Bacterial Genomes Senashova, M. Yu.

69 2 p. 209-218
19 The Effect of Viral Lysis on Light Absorption by the Black Sea Microalgae Tetraselmis viridis Sholar, S. A.

69 2 p. 267-271
20 The Inhibitory Effect of Oxibiol on the Process of Protein Modification by Water-Soluble Products of Photo-Oxidative Destruction of Bisretinoid A2E Dontsov, A. E.

69 2 p. 219-224
21 The Relationship between Geophysical Rhythms and Human Blood Pressure and Heart Rate: A Case Study Kovalev, P. D.

69 2 p. 325-332
22 The Relationship between the Composition of Natural Water and State Lipid Peroxidation in Biological Objects Shishkina, L. N.

69 2 p. 292-298
23 The Relationship between the Temperature in the Deep Layers of the Somatosensory Cortex and Blood Flow Velocity in the Brain of Anesthetized Mice Romshin, A. M.

69 2 p. 306-313
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland